
5-God of Cithen

My eyes fluttered open and I squinted against bright sunlight filtering through the glass dome above my bed. I do not know why anyone would design a bedroom to have this feature. Instead of having someone wake me up, I have the sun blasting its light into my face on sunny days. If it is raining heavily as it does in Orotica, I would rise to the illusion of being underwater.

White pillars held the roof up and I felt uncomfortable by Vales' interesting house designs. Each room is connected to each other and there were no doors in the house. The main entrance is marked by tall pillars and rooms are separated by curtains. All furniture in my house had been picked by the empress.

If my bedroom's curtains are drawn back and tied, I can see the pool, atrium (entrance hall), four cubicula (small rooms/bedrooms), tablinum (office/study room), triclinium (dining room), storage room and beyond the house which would be the gardens and walls. If these types of houses were not protected by their owners' magic, thieves can easily walk into the house and walk back out.

The only day I came to see my new house was to claim it by placing my special magic over it. If anyone can destroy my formation, they will be able to reach my house after jumping or flying over the walls. I found the house's design impractical, but everyone else in the neighbourhood can live with these open houses.

I have heard that magic walls will appear whenever it rains, but I have not seen it myself. I would rather live in normal Valesian homes than this palace. I like touching ceilings, yet this ceiling is so high up, especially with the glass dome. I sigh and scratch my itchy neck.

"Marik, your pool is so refreshing!" Sebastian parted the curtain to my right and walked in holding his clothes where his member was. He chuckled and touched his fiery hair that was wet at the tips. "Are you excited to see me?"

"No," I leaned back against my bed, tightly holding my blanket to my chest. I was shocked and afraid. "Sebastian, how did you get into my house? Why are you here and why are you naked?"

"I took a bath in your pool. I walked in last night without a problem. Your security system is lacking, you should set up formations." My friend removed his clothes from his pelvis and I coughed. Sebastian grinned sheepishly, apologizing for being indecent, yet he slowly donned his tunic and cloak.

"I know you have your own home down the street," I started using my most monotonous voice. I see my friend shrug and my eyes narrowed into small slits. To my annoyance, Sebastian replied with a smile. "Tell me the real reason for your precious visit."

Sebastian shrugged again. "I thought I would just invite you to today's slave auction because I have a feeling. I know you never approached the House, but you should. The poor Kraseans need a righteous master and I think you have enough money to buy a dozen."

"I do not wish to go." I sink back into the bed and pull the blanket over my face. Even under the wool blanket, I can see a bright light. I feel Sebastian sit at my feet and I groaned, telling him to leave. "I said I am not going! I do not want to return to the House."

"Return?" My friend asked after a moment of silence. He caught my mistake. "How can you return to a place you've never been to? Was that an excuse to avoid your greatest fear?"

"I did not say anything!" I snapped quickly. Frustrated by waking earlier than I wanted, I throw the blanket off of me and pounced on my friend. For a while, we wrestled on my bed and I felt happier.

"Do you want to see who will buy the last Krasean?" My deputy pushed me off of him, grinning once he confirmed my intrigue. Smiling, he continued speaking in a hushed tone. "The one with sorrowful honey eyes, bronze skin, a god's figure and a priestly demeanour?"

"The dumb, blind, ugly, and rude Krasean?" My nose flared and Sebastian reacted by moving away from the bed. I looked up to see him staring down at me with a strange look in his eyes. "What?"

"You know that what you said is not true. I have seen you stare after him, worrying for him." I hated the fact that my friend was right. He sensed my thoughts and continued to build his case. He wagged a finger in my direction. "Are you sure you will be fine never knowing who will become his master?"

"Fine, I will see who the unlucky man will call 'Master'. I hope it will be a brothel owner." As soon as those words leave my lips, I wanted to shove them back in.

My friend looked at me with raised eyebrows. "I doubt that. Everyone in the army knows you loathe brothels and you would never wish anyone to be a sex slave."

"I don't understand why I would want to sleep with someone who has slept with everyone. Sleeping with people for money and living is disgusting! Brothel owners should have their souls hacked. Slave sellers too!" I covered my face with my hands, realizing I have spoken too much. I can feel my friend stare at me in shock.

"Since you feel so strongly about this, why don't you come to save fortunate people from such lives?" Sebastian looked around at my empty house, nodding mischievously. "You also need people around you. Sure, maybe not the last Krasean, but anyone will be good."

"I'm going to the House. When does the auction start?" Of course, I would not know because I have not been to an auction. Big arena fights occur ten to twelve times yearly while small challenges take place thrice a day. When any auction starts, I do not know.

"Actually, I believe the auction is almost over. It started early because Kraseans are in such high demand that buyers flocked to the House right when the sun rose." Sebastian shrugged, an apologetic expression on his face. "If we fly by Pyro and Sangrine, we will arrive just in time for the giving of the slaves. Let's hurry over!"

The giving of the slaves was the closing act of slave auctions, where slaves meet the people who had purchased them. I expected to see fights break out and suffering so I hopped into my dragon beside Pyro. I needed to see who the Krasean would follow home.

Without giving me any warnings, my mount jumped towards the sky and up we flew. Again, I struggled to keep my mouth closed and my chest felt like it was tingling. My black hair poked my eyes like small needles.

Before we leave the area around my house, I remember to rebuild a strong barrier over my house. I would not want Sebastian to find his way back in. Then, I followed Pyro and her rider towards the House. The world on the ground whirred past as we flew together.

Finally, we see a huge temple-like structure that we call the House. Its official name is Slave Shop, but no one feels comfortable calling the building by the vile name. As we have a conscience, we need to deceive ourselves into thinking the house and what is inside does not mean evil.

I laugh to myself as I dismounted Sangrine, jogging up a flight of marble stairs to reach the big entrance. Right behind me, Sebastian panted because he is not used to running up long flights of stairs.

Two men standing in front of the house pointed their swords at me before seeing my face. Under their metal helmets, their eyes widened and they muttered apologies. "Forgive us, we did not think you were coming. Welcome, you are quite late."

"He is not here to buy anything," Sebastian started to say as I pushed past the guards. My friend caught up to me and we both gasped as a wave of heat blasted into our faces. It felt disgusting. "It is hot!"

"Thank you for coming out today, this event has been a success and I congratulate you all for participating in today's auction! The Kraseans have been sold, next month will be the lesser-known peoples of Cithen." A male voice roared over-excited people. He started to chant my name. "Hail Marik Valerius!"

Buyers and event organizers start to approach me and Sebastian, eagerly waiting to leave the House with new slaves or with friends. New owners admired their slaves and those who could not purchase one threw looks of envy. The Kraseans looked dazed and confused as sheep about to be butchered.

Then, the host of the auction called everyone back. Like sheep, they returned to stand in front of the stage. "I apologize, we have one more Krasean to sell. This special one has been groomed and I overlooked their presence. Bring him in!"

Two slave gatherers pulled a man onto the stage and I can see over bobbing heads to see his chains have been painted gold. I have not heard of painted chains, so this Krasean must be special as the host had said. The amount of excitement in the room surpassed last night when our army returned.

"This man is a natural beauty, praised by Cethenians as their God of Sun and Peace! Unlike the others, he has a history of priesthood and warriorhood." The host slid a hand under the man's chin to lift his head. "Rich eyes, beautiful face and a lovely body. Both men and women will find him to have the best qualities for pleasure."

I gasped along with the others, but not because I was intrigued. My heart pounded in their cage and I bounced on my feet to get a better look. Heads bobbed up and down like waves, blocking me from seeing the stage. Still, I can see glowing clothes and a familiar face.

"Bring me his veil!" The host picked up the white and gold shawl folded and served on a gold platter. As this was a show, the man was dramatic as he crowned Cithen's God of Sun and Peace. What mockery of Cithen! "Behold, the true beauty of Cithen! Who will be the lucky man- or woman -to be his master? The bidding starts now at twenty gold coins!"

"I just bought the previous Krasean for eighty silver coins! Damn, I wish I had not." Seething beside me was an older man who regretted buying the Krasean woman standing beside him. "Well, she is not so bad for the bed. I can live with such a blunder."

I shuddered and looked to my left, seeing Sebastian had disappeared. He left me alone in this disgusting house! All around me, people started to play with the man's life by placing money for the purchase. I think I heard a nobleman already place sixty gold coins.

This was quite a lot for a single slave, but not enough for others. The numbers kept rising as another person speaks up.

"Sixty five gold coins!"

"One hundred gold coins!"

A loud gasp tore through the room and the Krasean lowered his eyes, listening as his life was given value. The auction continued and still, the numbers rose.

"Two hundred gold coins!"

"He is a madman!" Someone yelled beside me and his friends all shrugged, thinking the price was fine.

"Two hundred fifty!" Another man challenged from the front. That man must really want the man standing barefooted on the stage.

"I have two hundred fifty from the house of Juno, anyone willing to bid any higher?" The host rang a bell and voices started to rise. Once the bell rings thrice, the last slave will be sold. My heart stopped as people around me buzzed.

"Four hundred gold coins!"

"Four hundred gold coins from the house of Apolos! This is the highest price so far!"

"Four hundred and fifty gold coins!"

"One thousand gold coins," I growled from my spot. Heads swivelled and more gasps berated my ears. The host, other buyers, confused Kraseans, and Cithen's God of Sun and Peace all stopped breathing to stare at me. Even Sebastian had returned to gawk at me.

The Krasean's golden eyes locked with mine until they burned brighter than a raging bonfire witches use. He then pulled his veil off his head to clutch it tightly.

"What, did I grow a unicorn horn? I said I will give one hundred thousand gold coins for the Krasean on the stage." I pointed at the man whose eyes were as big as plates. I grinned, knowing I have locked my ownership although I did not want to support this business.

"Are you sure you have that much money?" The host asked with a raised eyebrow. Of course, he does not know who I am.

"Yes, I said one thousand gold coins." Using magic, I drew money from my secret treasury and pointed at the stage. A few stacks of gold coins appeared at the host's feet. "Each stack contains one hundred gold coins. Have someone count and bite them if you do not trust me. One thousand gold coins from the house of Valerius."

"One thousand gold coins from the house of Valerius," the host squeaked at the crowd, eying the pile of coins. Then, his eyes widened and he shook his head as if he was in shock. I can see his eyes roam over my body. He sees I am wearing simple clothing instead of armour. "Valerius? Do you mean to say you are Marik Valerius?"

"He is my trustworthy servant, believe his words. I know who is my man and who is not." Emperor Utar spoke from a throne I did not see coming in. He held up his hand for silence. "Is anyone willing to go higher?"

A burst of sunlight blinded everyone and I covered my eyes to see the Krasean was struggling to remove the chains from his wrist and ankles. He looked livid, ready to escape his bindings to tear me apart. He looked like an angry god because we dared to mock him yet I stood still.

"Going once," a ding rang through the House and people started to walk out. They did not care about staying to see me buy the last Krasean. Almost desperate, the auction host spoke urgently. "Going twice? House of Valerius, sold!"

"You are mad!" Sebastian punched me dead in the arm, shaking his head. "You spent your pay from Cithen on a Cithenian? The gods must be mocking you!"

"Look, he is feisty and I like someone like that." On the stage, I see the man glow under the light as he thrashed around, clubbing the auction host on the head using his chains. I chuckle to myself after the host fell onto the pile of gold coins, rubbing his injured head.

Slave handlers immediately reacted to help the fallen man and attack the chained Krasean.

Losing interest in the stage, I turned to my friend with a smile. I shrugged, "He also threatened to find and kill Marik Valerius."

"Are you a mad lad?" My friend pinched my ear with his long nails until I swatted his hand away. For good measure, he shook my ears and pulled down my earlobes as a mother would. "What are you thinking, spending money to take in someone who wants to kill you!"

"Exactly, I am not thinking. I am interested to see how the priest of Krasea plans to kill me. Can a God of Peace kill a God of War?" Like a madman, I put my hand under my chin and watched the Krasean man struggle against brawny men. "Stop, you're hurting him! Clear everyone out and let him try fighting me."

I winced when the skirt of his tunic tore under one man's large feet. The sound ripped through the room and overpowered my voice, no one would speak. The man had torn the tunic up to the Krasean's knees to look like a woman's dress split from the middle to show her legs. I must admit, I was also a part of the people who stared at the man's freshly shaven legs.

The poor Krasean had lost all his dignity and he did not bother to move the chains around his wrists. His head drooped as his hands fumbled around to close the rip. One slave handler stalked towards the distracted man and I felt the need to speak up.

"I dare you to knock his head with those knobbly knuckles of yours!" I stomped through a parting crowd and climbed onto the stage although the stairs were about seven steps away. My head bumped into two legs and I looked up with wide eyes. I saw those celestial eyes and at this moment, they burned.

Feeling threatened by our close proximity, the Krasean lightly kicked my face as if to tell me to stay away or get up. I took it as he meant to tell me to do the latter and so, I rose to stand in front of him. Our chests touched and I thought he looked shorter than he really was.

"Well, hello brave challenger." I grin, however, the man was not in the mood to play along with my antics. I see the host and three handlers prepare to pounce on the Krasean although they knew I would be caught in the crossfire. My hand shot out to pull the Krasean behind me as I switched places with him.

"If you wish to kill me, at least watch your back." I held the four men in the air using magic, making sure to apply pressure on their necks. Behind me, the Krasean was fuming and I knew because of his heavy breathing. "Fix your skirt, I can handle these pests."

"Well then, I will let you carry on with your business. Valerius, congratulations on buying your first slave!" Emperor Utar walked out of the House and his entourage of soldiers and servants followed him. He even had six people hastily sweeping the floor before he stepped forward.

After the man left, it was just the host, the handlers, Sebastian, the Krasean and I. Sebastian was seated on a window sill, eating a tangerine as I fought the annoying host and slave handlers. Then, there was the ungrateful Krasean who tried to shove me away although his attempts to budge me were all in vain.

"Alright, come lean on me," I whispered into his ear and reached forward to touch his shawl. The man understood my Valesian because he froze, eyes wide with shock. "Yes, I'm a homosexual who loves violence."

"Disgusting," the Krasean spat out perfect Valesian but his hands still clutched my waist. He looked ready to push me off the stage. "If we were on a mountain, I would throw you over."

I grinned for a second. "I know you would."

"But you are not on a mountain, can you release us? My boys saw the slave was harbouring evil intentions and they moved to protect others. We did not mean to offend you." The host chocked on his words and his thick hands clawed at his neck. "Spare us, we will never bother you or the slave!"

"Sure," I release my fists and they plopped onto the stage like sacks of roots. I loved seeing people's reactions to being thrown around by my powers. Currently, the host and handlers tried to catch their breath on the stage.

I turned to the Krasean, frowning when my eyes lowered on their own. On his thigh was a familiar print, the raw flesh looked pink and orange amongst his tanned and healthy skin. They have branded him using scalding iron and I wonder how the delicate Krasean was not limping as he moved away from the stage.

"You should stitch up your skirt!" Sebastian leapt off his seat on the windowsill to call after the chained Krasean. We stared after the waddling man trudging along with heavy bindings on his neck, wrists and feet. "Where are you going without your master?"

I stepped onto the host's head to keep him down as I felt around his pockets. After rummaging through his tunic, I hear metal clang against each other. I snatched the ring of keys and shook them in the air. The chained man froze halfway through the House. "At least free yourself from those gaudy things! How degrading they are."

The Krasean turned around, rustling the chains hanging from his body. His cold eyes glared at me. "Why would you free me? I am fine going back with you in these chains!"

"Oh, don't be like that!" I jumped off the stage to jog up to the man. I shake the ring of keys once more, seeing his true emotions through his eyes. "See, you want to be freed although you've accepted me as your master. Come here, I don't bite."

"But you kill," he muttered under his breath.

"But I kill," I nodded as I acknowledged his true words. Then, I find the man standing in front of me with his bare feet touching my sandaled feet. I attempted to stretch my lips into a smile, "I won't kill you. Not here anyway."

"You are scaring him, stop smiling like a creepy predator!" Sebastian slapped the back of my head and gasped when he hears my forehead hit the Krasean's. I will not kill the bound man, but I will kill my friend.

Exams are officially over and I also received a conditional acceptance from a university I really want to attend. This week was awesome!

To celebrate, one more chapter of AWL is out. So many good stuff happened in this one and I hope it's not so bad.

ValKreecreators' thoughts