
Chapter 17

Chapter 17

A/N: There were many iterations of how this chapter could have gone that I had outlined in my notes. Eventually though, this is the version my fingers typed up.

'Karate Island', South Blue

This place is a fucking joke.

And I ain't laughing.

"Hmph! So you're tougher than you look eh!" The lanky man in the blue & white changshan asserts as he slides backwards. "Well then, lets see how you fare against the wild fury of my... 'Flying Crane Technique'!" The martial arts 'master' hops high into the air and begins a series of wild dramatic spins. Not one of which seems particularly necessary.

I grumble at the 'flashy' show with thinly veiled disdain. 'Maybe I should be grateful this one at least knows how to jump.'

The fighter breaks his momentum, locks onto me, and then with an over the top "Heee-yaaahhh" begins rapidly descending with one leg fully extended.

A sigh. A truly sad and disappointed sigh is my response as a single step to the left is all that's required to move out of the way and let the man go flying past me...and crash straight into the pile of stones littering the hillside at my back.

I hear crunch of his impact, the pained mewlings that follow, and I genuinely struggle not to pinch the bridge of my nose at the utter asininity of the entire situation.

I lazily turn around and patiently wait for my... opponent?… to slowly pick himself up and strike a...what I'm sure he believes...is some sort of defensive pose. "So! You think you can defeat me with simple tricks eh? I'll admit your dodging skills are first class but there's no way you can hope to match the full po-"

+100 Exp!

And with one punch to the face he crumbles just like all the rest.

It's been four days since I first began my search for this place. The first two were rather unfruitful but on the third the idea simply struck me to walk into a cartography shop and speak to the owner about it. Mr. Hō ended up being a veritable font of knowledge and was more than happy to provide me a long and detailed list of every island he knew of that had an associated title or nickname. Did you know that there's no less than eleven islands in the world with monikers of 'The Isle of Treasure', 'Treasure island', or something similar to that? I could go on at length about how delightfully absurd I find that to be but that'd be getting too much off topic.

In hindsight I should've paid more attention to Hō's reaction when I mentioned it was this island in particular that I was looking for. The moment I had name dropped it his face morphed into a look of incredulity that I now realize was him essentially wondering 'why the heck would anyone ever wanna go there?'

'And now that I've arrived I fully understand why.'

Every fighter I've encountered so far is a...a..a buffoon! Their levels are erratic, their fighting styles are nonsense, and their stats are a jumbled mess. Of the six so called 'masters' I've already come across only one even had a student! It's like an island of goofy one-off practitioners where everyone gets to make up their own fighting school just..just because!

Maybe it's my fault for expecting 'One Piece' to take an island of martial arts seriously. I mean the island has 'karate' in the name right? Jerry was a championship 'boxer'. Those are real fighting styles! Not like all this 'Riverwalk' and 'Dragonfist' nonsense I'm seeing. Is it too much to ask that there be people here who actually practice Muay Thai or Jujutsu or something?

'Shredding Bear' has been the only one who lasted more than 30 seconds against me and that was purely due to the fact that its user was one of those -what I'm hereby dubbing as- 'Huge-Humans' like Aphelandra of Amazon Lily or the three idiots who work for Franky.

My companion notices my sour mood and nudges his head against me shoulder. "Kee-Wee?'

I try to put on a smile and give him a light scratch."Everything's fine buddy. I just...I think coming here may have been a waste of time. We may just end up flying back to Kivuruk tonight."

"Wee. Kee-Wee Kee?"

The small smile inverts into a tiny frown. "Well yeah I know we just got here but if there's nothing really to be gained…?"

"Wee. Wee. Kee-Wee Wee."

My hand comes up to start raking through my hair. "I guess you're right." I concede. "We may stick around at least a couple of nights. If nothing else I'll at least get the [Quest] done."

Quest: Welcome to 'Karate Island'! Your one stop shop for any and every martial arts under the sun in South Blue. Explore the island, challenge some Masters, and find out if any of their unique styles strike your fancy. Just be wary of any schemes to buy real estate! Progress: (6/20)

Reward: 800 Exp and Lv.1 [Skill Disk].

That [Skill Disk] is basically the only reason I'm willing to continue putting up with this farce. I've still got another one sitting unused in the [Inventory] that I've been saving for the right moment but if I can get two of them then it's worlds better. [Bullet Time] reached Lv.4 back against Eustass, and though I lost it when time reset itself, the fact that it leveled up at all showed that it was close. In a perfect world I could just challenge someone to a spar indefinitely and level the [Skill] that way but unfortunately the [Game] clearly doesn't want to operate like that. As best I can tell it only builds experience when I'm either actually being 'pushed' in a fight or my opponents are coming at me with lethal intent.

I'm hoping there's at least one person on this rock who can actually help me push it back over that line to Lv. 4 so I can then use the [Skill Disk]'s to their maximum effect. 'But after the performance I just got from Mr. 'Flying Crane' I'm not exactly gonna hold my breath.'

Although there's a plethora of dojos and other small residences spotted across the island there's only one place that I would say qualifies for the term 'settlement'. Not quite big enough to be called a town, it mostly consists of a few pathways spreading out from the docks where people have set up all the usual businesses an island needs to function.

I make my way towards a small café to grab a spot of lunch and dismiss Kiwi so he can go out hunting and do the same. It's a simple enough joint where the only seating available is a few wooden tables outside. Internally I recognize that I should be trying to 'penny-pinch' since I'm not finished lifting Kivuruk up yet but I'm just not in the mood to cook my own food right now.

The waiter brings me a glass of water and -upon his recommendation- I order the takoyaki combo since apparently 'his wife makes it best' and she's the one who's running the kitchen. There's a decently sized trade ship in the harbor and a steady flow of sailors are wandering up and down the streets, enjoying the time on dry land allowed to them.

"Behold the legendary 'Sticky Chameleon' style of my dojo!" A high-pitched voice shrills. "The ultimate mixture of cunning and skill! Join as my student and you too can learn how to defeat your enemies through guile and ingenuity!"

Oh. And there's also that going on.

Four podiums. Four more so-called 'masters'. Apparently it's a tradition for each school to..proselytize.. their merits a few hours a week to any who will stop to listen. There was a different group taking their turn when I first arrived this morning but I didn't pay them much mind because...I mean would you?...I thought it was some silly street show. And to be fair I'm not exactly wrong..

"Nonsense! Ignore the ramblings of this charlatan!" The voice at the second podium asserts. "My 'Art Of The Roaring Lion' can rend a mans bones into dust! Come to my dojo and I will prove that a powerful enough offense will overtake any foe!"

"Fools! All of you!" A third hisses angrily. "What does raw power matter if you're too paralyzed to use it? My schools 'Biting Snake Fist' can disable any opponent! Render them immobile! All with a single strike!"

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!" A fourth sounds off, this one much more gruff. "Do you hear me? I say impossible! Your puny arts will never surpass my schools 'Iron Body' technique! My family has been perfecting it for generations! Behold! Tekkai!"

Water jettisons from my mouth as I choke on my drink. My hand bangs on the table as I fall into a coughing fit from it going down the wrong pipe and many onlookers pause to look if I'm alright. A small gap forms in the crowd who was listening and I get the opportunity to read the titles of the four men who were preaching.

Yongliang the Crafty, Lv. 11

'Striking Serpent' Kazuo, Lv.14

Tenzin, Master of Iron, Lv. 50

Ibrahim the Lionhearted, Lv. 17

I've found it.

I've found him.

My Diamond in the Rough.

Tenzin stands across from me, a triumphant grin on his face and his arms proudly on his hips. "So you too see the value of my families 'Iron Body' technique! Excellent! Your training begins immediately! Behold student, and do as I do! Tekkai!"


"Hmm? Is something wrong student?" Tenzin booms. "Perhaps you missed it! Allow me to perform it slower! Tek-kai!"

"No I...I saw it the first time...I'm just confused as to how that qualifies as instruction.."

"What do you mean student? I am demonstrating. Watch closer! TEK-KAI!"

"Uhh..one second." '[Observe]'

Tenzin, Master of Iron, Lv. 50

Tenzin is the 13th master of the 'Iron Body' school of martial arts located on Karate Island in South Blue. He recently took over leadership of the school from his grandfather 'Tessai' after the man left his post to accept a position at Marine HQ under the title of 'Special instructor'. Tenzin is incredibly proud of his heritage in providing the Marine elites with the technique his ancestor invented and someday wants to hold the same title that his grandfather currently does. Despite his incredible affinity for Tekkai he has absolutely no talent at teaching...or doing anything else... and just can't seem to understand why he keeps failing to hang on to a student.

Health: 6,000/6,000

STR: 50

VIT: 600

DEX: 28

INT: 1

WIS: 2

LUK: 30

'Oh my god he's an idiot...' Don't get me wrong. He seems like a nice enough fellow it's just...dude's more unbalanced than Blackjack was. I didn't even think that was possible.

Tenzin cuts off his technique and looks at me confused. "Are you having difficulties student? Do you doubt your own ability?"

I close the blue screen and try to put together an appropriate response. "No no. I know I can learn..it's just..is there perhaps a...written instruction I can look at?"

Tenzin sits down and crosses his legs. His head dips down and one hand strokes his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmmmm!"

"Um, Tenzin?"

"Yes!" He shouts to himself and then swivels my way. "My great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather created such a thing. It sits within a chest inside my home."

"Sweet! So is there any way I can just take a quick look at tha-"

"IMPOSSIBLE!" he thunders, causing me to involuntarily wince. 'Shouting that better not be his character gimmick.' "Impossible I say! My father insisted I challenge every other master on the island at least once before studying it!" He pumps his fist in victory. "It was a magnificent test to show me how our school is superior!" Tenzin's mouth drops open in shock as the epiphany suddenly strikes him.

'Oh please don't tell me..'

"Now I realize you must do the same! Yes, yes, the battles will harden both your body and spirit! Then student you will understand the true nature of Tekkai!"

'I know I'm going to regret asking this..' "Exactly...how many masters are on..?"

Tenzin puffs up in excitement. "Only a few dozen! Do not despair faithful student! For I have the utmost confidence in you! We shall depart at once!"

This time I actually do pinch my nose as the frustrated sigh comes out. "...fine. Lead the way."

+100 Exp!


+120 Exp!


+205 Exp!


+135 Exp!


+90 Exp!


+160 Exp!


+85 Exp!


+110 Exp!


+170 Exp!


+230 Exp!


+100 Exp!


+140 Exp!



Quest Complete!

Quest: Welcome to 'Karate Island'! Your one stop shop for any and every martial arts under the sun in South Blue. Explore the island, challenge some Masters, and find out if any of their unique styles strike your fancy. Just be wary of any schemes to buy real estate! Progress: (20/20)

Reward: 800 Exp and Lv.1 [Skill Disk].

You have reached Lv. 47!

You have 20 points to spend!

'Well at least that's taken care of..' "Tenzin, dare I ask how many more we have left?"

The hulking man raises his hand to his chin once more. "Hmm. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmm!"


"Do not worry student!" He bellows with a boisterous energy. "Only two more remain and then your task shall be complete!"

A relieved sigh slips out of me as my shoulders noticeably sag. 'Oh thank the lord. I was worried this was going to take all-'

Tenzin punches his fist into his palm. "The other 30 we shall just have to endeavor to get tomorrow!"


The Next Day

The multi-ton boulder craters into the ground, sinking halfway into the soft earth. "Stay still you little runt!" The titan of a man roars as he raises another rock overhead. His neck swings back and forth as he tries to track my [Soru] but all he's doing is making himself dizzy.

"Bwahahaha!" Tenzin uproars. "It's no use Brion! No student of mine would ever lose to an unskilled brute like you! No matter how stout your arm!"

The 'Huge-Human' in the red and brown gi rounds on his fellow master and snarls. "Shut up Tenzin! I'll crush both you and your student!"

Tenzin's smile never leaves his face as the colossal hunk of stone is chucked his way. "Hoh hoh impossible! But you are welcome to try! Tekkai!" The rock smashes into the mans frame and immediately fractures as though it were a clump of mud splashing against a steel rod.

I materialize over Brion's head with both legs pulled in and the towering hulk only has time to widen his eyes in alarm.'[Geppo]!' The rokushiki-enhanced double kick collides straight with his forehead and in a very David-slays-Goliath moment the biggest man I've ever personally encountered goes crashing onto his back.

Brion lays in the dirt for a few moments before weakly stirring and attempting to push himself up. '[Rankyaku]!' The blue sickle strikes his oversized chest and the brutes mouth momentarily wrenches open before his eyes roll back and he passes out.

+550 Exp!

You have reached Lv. 48!

You have 40 points to spend!

"And that.." I turn to my beaming 'instructor' "..makes 30. Am I done now?"

"Well fought student!" Tenzin cheers. "Let it be known that I never doubted you! You took a bit longer on that last one though. Did his impressive size give you concern?"

"No no I was just.."

Bullet Time Lv. (4/30)

-Your ability to perceive time at a slower rate while in combat. Current reduction: (12%)

"..waiting on something is all. He really seemed to dislike you."

"Hmm" Tenzin nods sagely. "The last time Brion and I disputed with each other he shattered his hand on my impenetrable 'Iron Body'. Take it as a lesson student! Not even those who seemingly have giants blood can surpass the ultimate defense that is Tekkai!"

'Well..that's simply not true but...I'll let him have this one.'

It's only about a 20 minute trek to get from our current location to Tenzin's dojo. It's a very sparse and classical design. Sliding doors and tatami mats and all that. By the time we arrive and the man enters to fetch the notes I'm practically vibrating in excitement. Though this brief reprieve from his presence does give me about half a minute to take care of something.

[Inventory]. Gimme those [Skill Disk]'s. It's time for upgrades.

Skill Lv Up! Bullet Time Lv. (4/30) → (5/30)

-Your ability to perceive time at a slower rate while in combat. Slowed perception increased from (12%) → (15%)


Skill Lv Up! Bullet Time Lv. (5/30) → (6/30)

-Your ability to perceive time at a slower rate while in combat. Slowed perception increased from (15%) → (18%)


I dismiss the screens with no small bit of personal satisfaction. 'Still no sign of those diminishing returns I was worried about but I suppose it wouldn't make sense until the later levels. I wonder how this [Skill] will compliment with Observation Haki should I ever unlock it. Actually, on the subject of [Skill]'s working together how is Tekkai and [Physical Endurance] going to combo? Does the damage reduction come in 'before' or 'after' Tekkai absorbs the blow? For that matter, if Tekkai completely blocks something will it mean that no experience is gained towards leveling up [Physical Endurance]? There's definitely some experimentation I'll need to run when I have the opportunity.'

"Student! I have returned!" Tenzin announces as he strolls outside with a chest in his arms. "Please take your pick! Grandfather made sure to make many copies!"

The chest creaks open and I'm greeted by the sight of dozens upon dozens of the same orange booklet stacked on top of each other. I gaze upon the collection and a small twitch forms above my eyebrow, "You...you have more than one?"

"Of course! Why would I not?"

The twitch worsens, "You really implied that you didn't. Why would you need so many if any student you take on needs to run through a gauntlet just to take a look?"

Tenzin looks pensive as he contemplates the question. "Hmm. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmm!"

"Uh never mind! It's really not important. Don't..don't hurt yourself." I reach down to grab one of the booklets and get treated to a pop-up I haven't seen in quite some time.


You have obtained a [Skillbook]. Would you like to use it now? [ACCEPT/DECLINE]

'In a minute.' "Tenzin would it be alright if I took an extra one?"

"Hmm whatever for student?"

'Because the first one I'm going to consume for it's knowledge and you never know when having a spare book on Tekkai might come in handy' "I'm just afraid I might spill a drink on it or something. I can be..heh heh..clumsy sometimes."

Tenzin vigorously nods. "That is fine. Please take two! Or three! Whatever you feel is required to help in your training!"

'Well I feel a little bad about it but if the man says 'take three' then I'm gonna take three.' I make a small show of flipping through the first few pages while sneaking the copy the text box is referring to into the innards of my jacket. With a small mental command I [ACCEPT] and feel the weight of the first book dissolve against my chest.

And with it comes the rush of information. The clarity of knowing how.


New Skill Acquired!

Rokushiki Technique #2 of 6. (Tekkai). Lv. (1/50)

-One of the vaunted 'Six Powers.' By tensing the body in just the right way, users of this technique are able to harden their muscles to be as tough as iron and gain a momentary massive increase in both defense and density. The strength of the users [Tekkai] is directly proportional to not just their level of expertise with the [Skill] but their physical prowess as well. Masters of this [Skill] can harden themselves far beyond the levels neophytes can, are able to selectively harden only specific pieces of the body, or can even invent their own variations of the technique.

Note: Due to your low level with this [Skill] there is an 80% chance the [Skill] will fail on use.

'Alright. Time to ham it up a bit.' "Master!" I call out, snapping the second booklet shut. "I think I understand now!"

"Outstanding! I would expect nothing less student! Our training begins anew! Tekkai!"

"Like this master? [Tekkai]!"

[Skill] Failed!

"No no student! Like me! Tekkai!"

"Yes sir! Like this? [Tekkai]!"

[Skill] Failed!

"Feel it student! Feel your spirit hardening your body! Tek-kai!"


[Skill] Failed!



Two Weeks Later, Kivuruk Island

I end the 'Iron Body' technique and give my training partner a light shove. One that's just strong enough to knock him down. "Come on Barker!" I goad. "I know you've got more! Let me have it!"

Barker, Embittered Youth, Lv.15

The teenager at my feet howls in frustration as he jumps to his feet and charges for the umpteenth time. His bandage-wrapped fists go flying outward '[Tekkai]!' and do absolutely nothing as they smash uselessly into my locked frame. Barker snarls at his own inadequacy and rears his right hand back as his teeth gnash.

The [Game] alerts me that his status has updated to [FRUSTRATED] and that both his STR and DEX are subsequently being boosted by 7 points. It's not an impressive boost in and of itself but hey, the last time this happened it was only 5 points! I'm more and more proud of this kid everyday.

His powered-up punch strikes me dead center in the face and just as expected.

-0 HP!

For a moment the two of us stand there silently in the clearing. Neither moving. Neither speaking. But the spell is eventually broken when Barker winces his eyes shut and withdraws his arm to start cradling his throbbing fist "Gah! Son of a- Fuck! I thought at least your face would be vulnerable. Your new power is horseshit!"

I let the technique recede and feel each segment of my body relax. "Well you weren't completely in the wrong." I respond with a grin. "Going after my eyes or nose is the right move. [Tekkai]'s protection is thinnest there." 'Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any protection in those areas at all from just hardening muscles but..once again One Piece shows that it really doesn't care about things that 'should' be.'

It's only been a couple days since I left Karate island and relocated my training locale to back home. I stayed for what I felt was the appropriate amount of time before letting Tenzin know I needed to move on. In truth I could've left the night I had gotten the [Skillbook] but...it wouldn't have felt right. Abandoning the big lug the moment he finally 'got a student' would've been like kicking a puppy. A big stupid 600 in vitality puppy.

Thanks to [Prodigy's Shadow] my growth through the earlier levels of [Tekkai] could best be described as 'explosive'. When the first night was finally through -with only a few hours of the two of us screaming at each other like idiots- I could already make the technique succeed 2 out of 3 times.

By the time lunch rolled around the following day it was 9 out of 10. At that point it was time to start hitting the rokushiki hard. [Soru]'s into [Geppo]'s. [Rankyaku]'s fired over the cliffside, and multi-hour sessions of cycling between [Kami-e] and[Tekkai] while giving Tenzin free reign to try and wail on me. The [Skill] level ups flowed one after another and as each came and went the little improvements became more pronounced.

[Kami-e] made my body thinner. [Tekkai] would start making me denser. The sharpness or bluntness level of my [Rankyaku]'s fell under my control and my [Soru] finally stopped being an accelerated run and evolved to where I could seemingly vanish from one spot and reappear in another.

As it stands, after days upon days of grinding, [Geppo] is close to being maxed out. Two of the others aren't terribly far behind. [Kami-e] once again has fallen into last place but I'm sure the future will provide ample opportunity to correct that. In the meantime though…

"Alright Barker! You ready for more?"

The youth finishes wringing out his hand and fixes me with a determined nod.

"That's the spirit! We're going to race to the other side of the island and then back. If you can finish before I lap you three times then you win. Ready...set...'[Soru]!'"

"...no no that wasn't right." I mutter to myself and slap my own head. " Come on, you got this. Come on!" The 'Iron Body' locks into place again and the internal struggle that follows makes me wonder if mind truly does reign over matter.

Barker takes a breather in his push-ups and peers at me curiously. "What are you trying to do now?"

A bead of sweat slithers down my forehead as I try to force the arm up. I mentally grit my teeth harder but it's no use. As long as [Tekkai] is active every muscle, every nerve, every bit of 'me' is fixed in position. I can't even get a little wag out of my pinky. I let the [Skill] fall away and breathe out in annoyance. "Something I've been told is impossible but know that it isn't."

And I mean that quite literally. When I broached the topic of using [Tekkai] while actively moving Tenzin fell into a fit of 'Impossible! Impossible! Impossible I say! To move with my families impervious 'Iron Body' active is simply...Impossible! '

Thing is though, he can shout that word as many times as he wants but Jabra of CP9 found a way to make it work and I'll be damned if I don't at least put a little effort into trying to do the same.

'Try again Jack. Knowing it's possible in the first place is half the battle won right there.' I feel my body physically tighten as [Tekkai] activates once more but I tune it out. I want to focus entirely on the mental side. 'You got this. You have [Seimei Kikan]. You are, what did the[Game] call it? The lord of the domain that is your body.' I try to jam the limb forward but there's not even a twitch. 'I don't need anything fancy. Just a punch. Just throw a punch.' The muscles shudder. 'One hit. One shot. One teensy weensy little jab. I know it can be done. I'm in control. So you listen to me and throw a GODDAMN-'

I feel my [Tekkai] shatter as the fist flies forward. The tightness across my body evaporates and I splutter indignantly at the failure. A wave of frustrated vitriol spills from my mouth as I kick the ground in personal acrimony and that's when something...odd..clicks in my mind.

The tightness isn't gone gone. It's just muted. Weak. A [Tekkai] that's been pathetically reduced to a fledgling level.

And then came the pop-up.

You have discovered Martial Art: Tekkai Kenpo!

Compatible [Skill] detected! [Skill] [Unarmed Combat] has evolved!

Skill: Unarmed Combat (Tekkai Kenpo) Lv (13/50)

-A mixture of instinctive fighting knowledge using your bare hands with the Rokushiki technique: [Tekkai].

Note: At current [Skill] level the strength of your [Tekkai] while in motion is reduced to 26% effectiveness.

Note 2: At current [Skill] level your DEX will be reduced by 74% while attempting to move with [Tekkai] sustained.


A low groan rumbled in my throat as I slowly rolled out of bed for another day. With eyes still half-asleep I slipped into a new pair of clothes and listened as the first birds outside began to stir. There's no caffeine in the house but it's not really a concern. I prefer to just exist as a zombie for a half hour and wake up the natural way.

'Okay...things to do today..' I opened the fridge to take out the leftover noodles from the night before. 'Morning session with Barker... gotta talk to Helga and see where she's at with the list...go down to the harbor and- aw crap, I promised Dan I'd help him with the new boat didn't I..' The stove turns on and I dump the seafood pasta into a skillet. '..I could probably get out of it.. Kiwi and I do need to go on a shopping run.. maybe I can work in some [Geppo] training while we're-'

Alert! Your [Den-Den-Mushi] is ringing!

An eyebrow quirks at the text screen. 'Who in the blazes would be calling this early? Sun's not even up.'

My arm reaches into the [Inventory] and comes out with the tiny blue-shelled snail in its palm. "Puru-puru-puru-puru. Puru-puru-puru-puru."

'Well lets not keep 'em waiting.'

"Puru-puru-pur-KA-CHK! Hah! Jack my boy!" The barking voice of Master Chief comes through the intercom. "Thanks for picking up. How you doing this morning?"

"Oh hey. Morning Mori." I speak through a yawn. "I'm just reheating some breakfast. I gotta say you're certainly up early."

"Hah! Don't you know the military never sleeps son?" He jokes as the snail mirrors his ear-to-ear smile. "Anyway the reason I'm calling is uh, I know you said you wanted two months to 'take care of stuff' and all that, but you see I was wondering if you might be available to hah, start a bit early?"

"Why? What you got for me?"

The sounds of ruffling papers briefly takes over. "I'm looking at a report on my desk here that's dated from about...three hours ago. Over the night there was a conflict between a Marine cruiser and a ship under the command of a pirate named Zōken. He's uh, pretty small-time. Bounty's only 1.5 million. He's raided a few-"

"I've read his poster." I interrupt. "Did the battle not go well for your side?"

Mori grunts. "Well the paper in front of me claims it was a draw with both ships retreating after they briefly engaged in close-quarters, but that's not really why I rang you up."

I give the pasta a light stir as it begins to warm up. "Well what is?"

"Seems this Zōken fellow somehow got his hands on the Bobcat Fruit. Cut an..." Papers shuffling again. ".. cut an 'Ensign Shurin' up pretty bad. He might lose the arm apparently. There's already paperwork being pushed through to raise Zōken's bounty up to 6 million, maybe a bit higher...but then the idea struck me. Who do I know that has experience with errant Zoan users? Plus..." Mori slowed to draw out the word. "..he's in your area."

I paused in attending to my breakfast and turned to the snail with a grin that was perhaps just a bit too predatory. "Where?"

"Well at the time our cruiser called in the report...or in other words three hours ago. 22 miles southeast of you. Bearing 131 degrees. That enough info for you to intercept? Oh..uh..should probably ask..you're still based out of Kivuruk right? Because if it turns out you're on an entirely different island then I'm gonna feel like a right pillock."

"Consider it done." I poked my head out the window and whistled for Kiwi to present himself. "And Mori…thank you so much for calling. We appreciate your service."

A/N 2: Wrote this quicker than normal only because of extra Corona-related free time. Stay safe y'all. And if you need a long looooong fic to preoccupy your self-isolation I recommend 'With This Ring' by Mr. Zoat over on Questionable Questing. That should keep you busy for like a week.
