
CCCLXXIII. Brand New Enemies

After killing the second enemy, Dag quickly turned to the last remaining enemy, who after getting up, was impaled by the undamaged dark arm, which moved from behind Dag like a scorpion's tail, sharpening its end, sharper than the blade of a spear.

When the third wolf also fell to the ground lifeless, he began to run again towards the other two Masters, realizing that another dozen werewolves were coming to the village, their red eyes shining in the heavy rain and the mud squirts caused by the momentum of the battle.

Kjell and Sander were standing, shoulder to shoulder, surrounded by four enemies, after killing three of them. 

"Hey! Heeey!" Dag shouted, drawing the attention of the two wolves closest to him, who naively turned in that direction, with the drool dripping from their ravenous jaws.
