
Chapter 274: Some Secrets Need To Be Buried

Aaron left, leaving Eddie alone on the beach. She sat on the sand, shivering and stunned, staring out at sea. She faced the ocean, and a cool breeze touched her cheeks. Eddie couldn't understand anything, think of nothing, and felt nothing. She was numb inside.

When Jason and Scarlet arrived, Scarlet rushed over to Eddie and hugged her, "Eddie, Eddie. Are you all right? Where is he? Did he do anything to you?"

Eddie looked pale, and she's so silent. Staring at her, Scarlet checked Eddie carefully to see if Aaron had hurt her. Scarlet remembered what Jason had told her in the car. That Aaron was a dangerous man, and she was going out of her mind with worry thinking he may have done something to Eddie.

When looking at Scarlet, Eddie shook her head and was brought back to reality. After all, Eddie had been through, and she finally felt safe. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and they flowed down her cheeks.
