
Chapter 247: Edie Will Be Mine

For a long time, he was silent as if he was thinking of something. Donald's eyes stared straight ahead at the last place that he had seen Eddie.

"Eddie is the light of my life, and I will never let her go. I remember her beautiful smile and her attractive eyes. I want to have her forever! By any means and at all costs. Eddie will be mine."

Once again, there was a certainty in his voice, "I don't care, I just want Eddie to come back to me! She was in my life, but I can't seem to remember the things that we did together. I believe we were a couple for about five years? I don't understand why she stopped trying to get me to remember? How could she not love me? There has to be something that I missed?"

"But it's too late. You and Eddie both have a new life now. If you do love her, then you need to let her go. I'm afraid for you, not to mention Eddie?" Karen said.
