
Making Friends

Everyone worked hard towards building the kind of life they wanted. 

That's what Justus was doing. He was the Hero of Leopardon, after all...

He was out there, somewhere, fighting, Haelvia was sure of it. Every sun, without fail, he'd be adventuring as stubborn and stupid as his namesake suggested. 

Rena was right there, with him... working tirelessly to stay by his side. 

The sweetest girl Haelvia ever knew was wholeheartedly determined to never let that guy out of her sight... even if, at times, she was just as much of a dunce as her boyfriend-but-not-boyfriend. 

Maybe... just maybe... after the three of them finished their initial contracts, they'd meet up again.

It wasn't impossible. 

Haelvia didn't know where they'd go, from there... but having some sort of goal was a reassurance. 

A certain song came to mind... and she hummed the tune to herself while mouthing the words.
