
So Much Trouble

Croesa bit her bottom lip, fidgeting nervously. 

Decanus Tychon was being more childish than the actual-child he was seated beside... and with the shamed look on Pale's face, it was making him feel terrible... 

Lady Troia was a nice, polite, and sweet girl. She was stubborn, at times, especially when trying to pursue Pale-- who she seemed to have a crush on. 

Even against the Senate, she was unyielding when it came to ethics and protecting the best interests of the Tyrion people. 

However, it seemed that Lady Troia wasn't going to do anything about this Decanus' attitude... and probably because Pale always spoke of him so highly. If anything, it seemed the High Oracle was trying to get in Tychon's good graces. 

"Get someone else to do it," Tychon declared. "Perhaps someone from one of your legions or special forces-- or at the very least, send someone you're *paying*."
