
Chapter 48. Icy Heart Lake

It was still about a little over a week till I needed to head back and join up with Qrow to deal with the Hati and Skoll tribes but before that, I'm heading to the eastern part of Solitas to hunt more Grimm to get the last of my combat data. According to my information, Icy Heart Lake is a hotspot for Grimm for some unknown reason plus on a side note the lake's name came from the fact it's almost heart-shaped plus it's frozen year-round with the exception of a rare Solitas spring. As I drew closer to the lake on my summon Swiftwind I noticed smoke in the distance and went to check it out.

I came upon a campsite that was camouflaged for the icy tundra and saw a familiar face.

Silva: Winter? What are you doing here?

Winter looked up to me in surprise but quickly switched to a neutral expression then said.

Winter: I can ask the same of you and you are someone I wasn't expecting to see in this frozen wasteland.

I shrugged and explained to her.

Silva: I'm mainly here to hunt Grimm to record my combat data to make my weapon based on the data. But anyway, in all seriousness, why are you here?

Winter contemplated for a few moments then said.

Winter: I suppose that there is no harm in telling you since I'm here for a personal reason. I'm here to hunt a particularly powerful Grimm to add to my Glyphs.

I nodded in understanding and asked.

Silva: Need or want any help?

Winter replied back.

Winter: Ordinarily I say would've said no but.

Winter sighed then continued.

Winter: Despite being here for almost a week I haven't seen it even once, so some help would be appreciated.

I was a bit surprised that she actually asked for my help but putting that aside I asked for details on the Grimm she's after.

Silva: So what kind of Grimm are you hunting for?

Winter started explaining and even brought up some visuals on the Grimm that was code-named Fenrir. It was a large six-legged wolf-like Grimm that can cause blizzards everywhere it goes plus breath out freezing breathe that can kill huntsmen/huntresses in one shot if weak enough. I had to admit that this Grimm is definitely powerful and it's of little wonder that Winter is after it. I couldn't help but poke fun at Winter and summon Cerberus.

Silva: Winter, are you trying to copy me?

Winter arched an eyebrow then said.

Winter: I won't deny that I find some of your summons enviable with their abilities and strength but I'm always on the lookout for powerful Grimm to increase my repertoire so I'm hardly copying you.

She's no fun, at least Weiss would have acted indignant and a bit insulted by my comment. I spread my sonar out and even used magic to further increase its range. After a few minutes, I told Winter.

Silva: Found it.

Winter looked skeptical at my claim and explained to her.

Silva: My semblance is to copy other semblances and I just so happen to have one that can act as a kind of radar. So ready to go?

Winter asked me to wait for a few minutes till she got her equipment ready. While she got ready I summoned Swiftwind and waited for her. Winter came out of her camouflaged tent and saw my summon then asked.

Winter: Where do you find this?

She came closer to it and touched it while examining it, I told her a half-truth.

Silva: Something that I came across during my travels. Hop on it's fairly fast and can outrun even most flying Grimm.

Winter looked intrigued by my summon and got on behind me, I then said to her.

Silva: Hold on tight.

Feeling her amble breast against my back I couldn't help but think about Weiss's future development in that area. Quickly getting my mind on the task at hand Swiftwind started heading towards the Fenrir soon hitting its max speed. Winter commented after a few minutes.

Winter: It is certainly fast and the smoothness of its movement is more surprising. It is a far more comfortable ride than what I was expecting it to be.

In about an hour we reached our destination and Winter looked around then asked.

Winter: Where is it?

I then pointed down and answered.

Silva: Below us.

Winter's eyes widen and said.

Winter: You mean that it's...

I nodded and finished her sentence.

Silva: At the very bottom of Icy Heart Lake underneath all this ice.

The ice was over 15 feet thick plus the icy cold water beneath that could freeze someone to death in a matter of minutes and that includes aura protecting said, someone. Winter sighed and looked resigned to not being able to get the Fenrir Grimm till I said.

Silva: I can agitate it from here and get it to surface if you like.

Winter looked at me surprised and asked.

Winter: Can you really do that?

I nodded and told her.

Silva: You might want to get up in the air while I'm doing this.

Winter summoned a Manticore for her to ride on and I first broke the ice around me into small ice cubes then blasted them out of the water. Next, I summoned Skyfire to keep the ice from refreezing by pouring out a torrent of flame and I started to fire off shockwaves into the lake at the Grimm. It only took a few minutes for the Grimm to break through the ice and reveal itself. It was roughly 15 feet tall and from its head to its tail, it was 45 feet long.

It was solid white all over its body and had ice-like crystals protruding from its back plus had 2 long saber-like teeth that stood out from its mouth. It's six legs supporting its massive frame we're all thick and armored with spiky bone-like plates that had noticeably sharp claws on its paws that dug into the ice. The monster looked at me and Winter then unleashed a howl that made us cover our ear from the sheer volume of it. It didn't take long for me to notice that it actually got colder than what it already is, the temperature continued to drop and soon me and Winter we're surrounded by a roaring blizzard.

The blizzard completely filled our vision with snow and we couldn't see the Grimm through the snowstorm. I used my sonar to try and find it, I quickly found it and warned Winter.


It was too late as she was knocked down by the Fenrir with her summon included. Seeing this I hopped down to help her while keeping Skyfire in the air to provide support. As I helped her up the Grimm came right at us with a speed that was surprising for its size. I blasted it with a shockwave but only cracked the ice as it somehow evaded it, this Grimm was undoubtedly extremely agile and fast. While I could pick up its position with my sonar there are 2 complications, first, Winter needs to be the one that kills it in order to be able to summon it, second, Winter lacks the means to actually see it like me to deal any damage to it.

I look towards Winter with both her saber and dagger out trying to peer through the blizzard, I asked her.

Silva: Winter, if I can hold it down the Grimm can you hit it hard enough to damage it because its hide is incredibly thick and durable.

Winter looked to me and nodded, I then took out a massive tower shield that took both my hands to wield. From what my sonar is telling me the Fenrir was slowly circling us, I wait for it to makes it's next move. The Grimm then charged at us and I got in front of Winter and planted the tower shield into the ice. It expanded itself rapidly and planted several spikes into the ground, I then told Winter hurriedly.


Winter planted her saber into the ice then brought out a massive glyph and summoned a Megoliath that charged at the Fenrir while I blocked it. The Fenrir was knocked back greatly but before Winter's summon could continue its offense the wolf-like Grimm leaped on to its back and bit down on the summons neck destroying it. The Fenrir looked to us before fading into the blizzard and I asked Winter.

Silva: Winter, do you have any other large summons?

I took out my tower shield from the ground as Winter answered.

Winter: That was my largest summon and I can't resummon it with getting some rest first.

I clicked my tongue in frustration and took out one of the weapons I made that has high firepower a cannon-lance and asked.

Silva: Can you use this for the time being?

I handed it to Winter and she struggled a bit holding it up, not that I'm surprised because it is one of the heavier weapons I made. I gave Winter a quick rundown on how to use it and ready my tower shield to block the Fenrir's next attack. It was long before the Grimm charged at us again, while I blocked it I summoned Cerberus to hold it down and had Skyfire aim for its eyes. The Fenrir continued to struggle against my summons while Winter took aim with the weapon I lent her and she landed a direct hit on it but the recoil knocked her off her feet.

Before she could get back up the Fenrir unleashed a torrent of an icy breath attack on Skyfire destroying it. Cerberus loss its grip on it soon after and the Grimm went after Cerberus in turn. As the 2 fought, snapping at each other with their fangs trying to rip the other apart Winter tried to take aim again with the borrowed weapon. The Grimm managed to knock Cerberus down then finish it off with a couple of bites, I continued to hang back in order to ensure that Winter gets the Grimm for a summon.

Winter fired the lance-cannon again but missed and was knocked down again with the recoil. Winter looking frustrated tossed the weapon back at me and took out her saber then charged at the Fenrir. When she landed her attack on the Grimm it only left a small scratch on its leg. The Fenrir turned and looked at Winter then readied its breath attack to use. I charged at the Grimm with my shield knocking it back a bit but not enough to stop its icy breath that missed Winter. Feeling a bit frustrated with Winter's lack of heavy offensive ability I asked.

Silva: Winter, would you be angry if I killed this monster instead?

Winter glared at me that told me not to interfere, I sighed and continued to try and provide support for her. I summoned a smaller version of a Sea Feilong and had it wrap around the Fenrir to restrain it. Winter then summoned a pack of Beowolfs to attack the Grimm along with her. The Fenrir continued to try and break free from my summon while Winter and her summons did minimal damage to the large Grimm. The Fenrir finally managed to escape from my summon then proceeded to crush Winter's and leaped back into the blizzard hiding within it.

I looked toward Winter silently asking permission to kill it for her because she isn't getting anywhere with it so far. Winter just glared back stubbornly not backing down, then the Grimm attacked Winter while we were having our staring contest. I got in front of her grabbing the gaping maw of the Fenrir stopping it and shouted at her.


Winter grit her teeth then summoned a pair of giant Nevermores and they attacked the sides of the massive Grimm. The Fenrir knocked me away and killed the summons with its icy breath. Winter went at the Grimm attacking it with gusto but to no avail and the Grimm bit down on Winter making her aura flicker. The Fenrir tossed her up in the air then swatted her away with its tail demolishing what was left of her aura and she was sent to the place that the Grimm surfaced from the lake.

Realizing that she just ran out of aura and fell through the ice into the lake of freezing water I needed to end this fight quickly or she will die. I took out a massive weapon that was a cross between a great sword and lance, its total length was 8 feet long including the handle. I focused on the Fenrir and concentrate my semblance on my back then launched myself at it by using the recoil of my shockwave at it. I pierced through the Grimm but my aura flickered showing that I was low on aura.

The Fenrir roared in pain and I didn't stop there I unleashed the largest shockwave I could make with the remainder of my aura through my weapon. The Grimm reared up and howled then slumped down and started to fade into black particles. I ran to where Winter fell tearing off my now tattered clothes then diving into the freezing water after her. Out of aura, I couldn't use my sonar to find her quickly do I had to rely on my limited magic to get to her quickly. Finding her I grabbed her then used the last of my magic to teleport us both to her camp.

I entered her tent, the cold sapping my conciseness, there was a heater in the tent that I turned on to full blast. I laid her on a portable sleeping cot and noticed that she wasn't breathing. Dread filled me I checked her pulse and found while faint it was still there. I decided to use CPR since she fell into the lake, I held her nose then opened her mouth followed by taking a deep breath then blowing it into her. I did this a few times then placed both my hands over her heart and pumped it a couple of times then switched back to putting air in her.

She soon coughed up water much to my relief but was still out cold and shivering. I ripped her wet clothes off while feeling the cold get to me I shivered, I will ask for forgiveness later but took a moment to admire her sexy form. I took out towels and blankets from my blue jade ring then dried both her and my body. I picked her up and brought her closer to the heater then held her close to me to share body heat and wrapped all the blanket around us while setting a few on the floor to keep the cold away. Feeling Winter close to me breathing, alive, darkness covered my mind and I faded into sleep.
