

The devil practioners were stunned, they then started running away, the other martial artists and cultivators started chasing after them, Angela was having a great time, each time he caught up with one of them, she punch them into bits or put a hole in their body, her brutal display of overwhelming strength causes everyone to be both afraid and excited.

Maolong killed a devil practioner, he quickly turned pale, his expression was awful, Angela who killed three more enemies saw this and approach him, he patted his back and told him via spiritual sense that, it is okay to vomit, nearly everyone would feel sick after their first kill.

Seeing how his crush treats him like a little brother, he felt ashamed, he took a deep breath but seeing the corpse of the person he had killed, he nearly vomited, he continue to repeat the same thing on his mind, it is to act tough, he wanted to show his manly side in front of his crush.
