

Lukas and Isaac had gotten together and became like Quinns parents, Making sure she had nice clothing, and was fed and watered.

Of course it was new for Isaac because he had never really had great parents

Elizabeth had knew about how great her parents were, because she was there, Liz would tell Isaac about how amazing they used to be but after all he didn't mind after she would explain why mum left

"she didn't hate you!" she would explain " she left because dad didn't want you, like..how do I put this" she looked around trying to get reassurance" umm.? he didn't want another child after I was born because I was a hand full."

Isaac didn't believe her but let her dream.

Quinn ran up to Isaac " papa !!" she giggled

after Quinns parents left Isaac and Luke got custody of her she had began to call him Papa, and she would call Luke Daddy, of course it made them kind of embarrassed and made them feel flustered on occasions

"Yes Quinn?", he answered grabbing her cheeks

"Daddy wants to tell you something" she giggled

"Okay, Princess...Just go talk to auntie Elizabeth?" he answered

Isaac wasn't really one to act or play games but he genuinely did it to make her happy instead of shoving her AWAY, After all her parents basically have her willingly, which actually made Isaac wonder if they cared,

maybe it'll be okay if I let her just express herself he thought.

But it really bothered him sometimes about how willing she was to call him Papa and dada while he could barely look at his own dad in the eyes let alone talk to him

he walked into his bedroom that he shared with Luke,

"Isaac!!" he giggled running up to him,
