

"But you shouldn't have to, that's the thing." I start walking again through the water and Nate follows me. "Besides, what would I do if I didn't work? I'd go crazy. I'm not crafty. I hate TV. I need to do stuff."

"You are too crafty. What about making more signs like the one you gave Natalie for the nursery?"

"Oh no," I laugh up at him and shake my head. "That was a one-time thing. It was fun, but I'm not artistic."

"I thought it was great." He kicks water up, splashing my legs, and I giggle.

"Well, it's not a career."

"What if you had kids?" he asks and I immediately shut down inside. I do not want to have this conversation. I'm not ready.

"Don't go there."

"It's a valid question."

"Kids aren't even on my radar, Nate."

"What is on your radar, Julianne?" We aren't looking at each other, we're just walking, hand in hand, through the water, watching the waves and the birds.

"You. Work. Family." I shrug. "That's plenty for now."

"As long as I make the list, baby."

"You're at the top these days, ace." I smile sassily, and try to lighten the mood. "In fact, I like it when you're on top."

He laughs, a full-on belly laugh, and splashes my legs again. "Okay, funny girl."



Pedicures tonight after work?

I send the text to Natalie and resume reading a report on my desk. I have so much to do! Three reports to write, Nate sent me a list of items he needs researched, and we have a meeting in just a few minutes.

My phone pings with a response from Natalie.

Sure! I'll bring Liv. She'll sleep.

Perfect! Can't wait to see you both. Will call when I'm on my way to pick you up.

I smile and gather my coffee and things I need for the meeting. I'm so excited to see Nat and the baby. It's just what I need.

We all file into the conference room and sit in our usual places. We don't have assigned seats, but we are people of habit, and always sit in the same chairs. There are six of us; Nate and I, Mrs. Glover to take notes, and the other partner, Mr. Luis and his team, Carly and Ben. Mr. Luis is in his mid-forties, graying and pot-bellied. He's a shrewd business man, and is not at all friendly in the office. He's all business.

Ben is much the same way. He's about my age, not much taller than me, thin and wears glasses. He's handsome, and very intelligent. He's not rude, he's just all about business, which I can respect and even admire.

I have no idea if either man is married or what their private lives consist of, and that's just fine by me.

Carly sits across the table from me, dressed in a green shift dress, her red hair pulled back in a bun. She looks over to me offers me a fake, brittle smile.

I don't reciprocate.

Hey reader...

Sorry for late updates...

What do you think... what will be there in meeting...

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Devil_5287creators' thoughts