
Honey-like confidence

The free trial and the official promotional CG easily shook the bottom line that the players had been holding on to ...

The players who said they wouldn't play it no matter what didn't expect Chen Mo to use such a strategy.

Shameless, he was too shameless!

Cunning, he was too cunning!

Walking the furthest path was salent's strategy!

Didn't you say that the game was tough? It's okay, I'll give you a free trial. If you feel like you're suffering, you can just leave it there. You don't even have to refund it. When you want to buy it, you can buy it.

As for the promotional CG, it showed all the players how Monster Hunter was played and the complete ecology of the game. Many players could only "emmm" for a long time and admit that this game seemed to be completely different from Dark Souls!
