
It seems like this is the first boss

After lighting the bonfire, Qiu Hengyang continued walking.

There were more and more living corpses ahead, but they were still scattered. Some of the living corpses could be killed with a single slash from the downward slash.

However, these seemingly insignificant monsters had caused Qiu Hengyang a lot of trouble.

If he was not careful and got cut by these zombies, Qiu Hengyang could see a large chunk of his health bar drop, his heart aching.

Coupled with the vibration from his body, sometimes, Qiu Hengyang would shiver when he was stabbed. This feeling was simply sour ...

Qiu Hengyang was puzzled. What was going on?

What happened to the grass-cutting game? If this grass can cut off so much blood from me, what's the point of cutting it?

However, Qiu Hengyang managed to keep his cool. After all, it wasn't his first time playing VR games.
