
With your level of arithmetic, you're basically bidding farewell to the studio

As soon as the alarm went off, the studio's boosters went online on time and entered the game cabin to collect the dishes.

These people worked in shifts. Crops now took about five to eight hours to ripen, which meant that it was entirely possible for them to ripen in the middle of the night.

In order to prevent their vegetables from being stolen, the studio's boosters had to set an alarm and come online on time to collect the vegetables.

It was originally "Leisure Farm", but they had turned it into a cultivation farm ...

These people often had several accounts in their hands, and they would plant and collect them at the same time.

After logging into his second account, the booster suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"What's going on? Why did it seem like a batch of radishes on this account had been stolen? There's actually someone who can cultivate more than me?"
