
Chapter 344-just not fun

After much thought, Lin chaoxu decided not to change his mind.

In the gaming industry, the first lesson that every video game designer learned was not to change their design ideas because of the dissatisfaction of some players.

(Of course, this rule could also be applied to all creative activities.)

For most games, it was normal for players who didn't like to play to complain, but there were many more players who were playing well, and they wouldn't complain.

If they only noticed the complaining players, it would create a "survivor bias." Making changes to the game based on this would not only destroy the design ideas and game features that had been passed on, but it would also make the players who had no objections unhappy, which would cause even greater losses.

Lin chaoxu was naturally familiar with this. From the current situation,"ancient catastrophe" was far from the point where it needed to be cut off. It was still increasing, but the speed had slowed down.
