
Chapter 22

The nomu made its presence know loud and clear. The sound hurt Shino's ears and she almost loosened her grip on Shigaraki. The mutant was looking right at her, or at least in her direction . Shigaraki was still giggling like an excited teenage girl and Shino was starting to go over her options. One wrong move and it could be the end of the line for her.

Another roar was let out and the Nomu was soaring through the air.


Shino let go of Shigaraki and tackled her teacher out of the way just in time. The nomu was about to land right on top of him. That thing is freaking massive. He would have crushed the measly Aizawa. Shoto was soon at Shino's side, eyeing the monster cautiously.

"Allow me to introduce you to the artificial human, Nomu. He has one task and one task alone" Shigaraki was back on his feet.

"Eliminate the so called symbol of peace that is All Might"

Shino sighed as she looked at the monster in front of her. One quirk would not suffice for this job. Sora and the rest should arrive soon enough. Together they can handle this thing until All Might arrived. She adjusted her scarf and reached into one of her pouches. She pulled out a small bottle containing what appeared to be red pills. Without a word she casually three it towards Aizawa.

"Eat one. It will make you feel better" She informed him.

Purple mist began to manifest near Shigaraki and soon Kurogiri was standing at his side. He had a new metal plate around his neck. The sight of it made Shino smirk. They almost had him. It would have been an achievement she would have worn proudly.

"Where have you been? You failed to sperate the brats"

"I met a snag in the form of that child there. I had to temporarily retreat to base"

Shino's smirk only grew at the mention of herself. The smirk didn't last long though, for Shigaraki said something that put her on high alert.

"Nomu, eliminate the pests"

With a roar Nomu was ready to follow out on the order.

"Todoroki, you better be on high alert because this guy is as strong as All Might" Shino took a fighting position. Her current strength and speed would not be enough for this battle. Wasting no time she activated a booster quirk and increased her attributes by five. Five times her normal attributes puts her on the same level of Sora. She had only thirty minutes to retain the boost before it faded and the drawbacks kicked in. She'd have to act fast.

"Watch my back"

With that she pushed off the ground with such force she left cracks in her wake. The nomu raored again bringing back a fist for a powerful punch. Ice appeared between the two taking the blow from the Nomu and giving Shino a chance to land the first blow. A powerful punch was aimed straight at his chest sending him a couple of feet back. Shino let out a breath as she landed on the ground. She adjusted herself and shot off again planning on attacking the beast before he could get up and regain his composure.

Blow after blow Shino hit the Nomu with everything she had in her efforts to keep him in place for the time being.

A wave of pain shot through her entire body when the Nomu blindly threw a fist at her. She was sent through the sky and harshly impacted a wall. She groaned and could feel the blood running down the side of her head as well as taste the blood in her mouth.

"That hurts"

The Nomu was suddenly in front of her raising his foot to press her into the ground.

"Oh no you don't! "

Sora came flying out of nowhere his body a red glow as he connected his fist to the side of the Nomu's head sending him back a few feet. Izuku soon appeared from the sky hands in the air and a massive fire ball growing between them. He had a determined look on his face. The nomu was up and regaining itself, but Katsuki attached himself to his head and blew an explosion right in his face before jumping off him again. The monster roared in pain and stumbled back until he couldn't anymore. Shoto stood not to far away ice ranging from him and freezing the lower half of the monster.

"Izuku! All's clear"

"Copy that"

The fire ball Izuku had manifested was the size of the Nomu itself. With a battle cry Izuku sent threw the ball of flame to his immobile target. There was a large flaming explosion that shook the ground beneath them. Everyone heard it and stopped to watch the fire display.

"Whoo! Now that is a fore show " Sora laughed as he helped Shino up to her feet. "You ok there? "

Shino chuckled and stumbled. "Other than the blood loss I'm fine" as she said that she reached into the pouch containing a juice bottle and gulped down it's contents. She touched her head to find that her wound had already healed. She should be alright for the rest of the fight thanks to her rapid regen. Her body was already producing more blood to make up for the loss.

"No! "

The group turned their attention to a fuming Shigaraki. The scratching of his neck had increased and he was shouting in complete rage. He must be pissed that a couple of kids landed a good hit on the beast.

"Well that is amusing to watch" Shino allowed herself a laugh before looking at the whole the beast found itself in. It had lost half its body, but it was regenerating at a rapid pace. "That thing isn't out for the count yet"

"It's serious healing" Sora ran a hand through his hair as he watched the scene. "That is a monster"

"I say we blow it's head off" Katsuki said pissed

"If we work together we can hold him back until the pros arrive" Izuku said flames soaring to life around him.

"You with us, Todoroki? "


"Katsuki is actually right about his head though. His brain is exposed. We just have to break the glass and land a hit" Shino explained.

"Not a simple feat" Sora sighed and activated a quirk. His body started to glow a scarlet red and his eyes seemed a lot brighter than normally.

A roar signaled the return of the Nomu. It had healed itself completely and was now back with a vengens.

"Let's do this"

Before Sora could do anything some massive crashed into the Nomu. Everyone watched confused as an odd looking creature grappled the struggling Nomu.

"What in the world? "

Shino stared at the odd beast like creature. It looked familiar. Where has she seen it before. She racked her brain in search of the memory when it suddenly hit her. The gasp from Sora let her know that he identified the creature as well.

"Holy cow that's the wonder beast from my favorite video game! "

"Video game? " Izuku looked confused.

Shino had an idea where the creature came from as she spun around in search of one of her classmates. A keychain landed next to her and in a second Daichi, Ren, Akio and Tsu were standing next to her. Ren seemed a bit out of it and Shino noted the drawing pad she had in hand.

"You created that, didn't you? Kosei".

Ren nodded looking on at the fight in front of them.

"That thing is massive"

"It's wearing on her" Shino took hold of Ren who seemed to be barely capable of standing. She reached into her pouch and retrieved the pills again. She maneuvered one into her hand and told Kosei to eat it. "It'll return your strength to you"

The pill was capable of healing even the most serious of injuries. It was Shino's Senzu bean. She had created a quirk that gave her blood healing capabilities. Anyone who invested her blood would be cured of any disease and any injuries they had would be healed. Shino being the genius that she is made some handy pills out of her magical blood.

Kosei was obviously shocked the find her energy restored and looked at Shino curiously.

"W-what are these pills? "

Shino only smiled that smile of hers and looked on at the battle. It was obvious she wasn't going to answer the question.

The back of Shino's head tinglled and she instinctively took Ren in her arms and jumped away from her former spot. She glared at the villain that had tried to harm her friend. Shigaraki was still scratching at his neck and it was actually bleeding now. Everyone's attention was now brought to him and thebpurppe mist forming around him.

"We've got trouble"

"Seems he figured out what Kosei did"

"You're not laying a hand on her you bastard! "

An agonizing raor split the ear and everyone turned to see the Nomu being completely overpowered by Ren's creation.

"That thing might actually beat it"

"Well in the video game the wonder beast is supposed to be overwhelmingly strong. That's why it's impossible it claim one in the game" Sora informed the group.

"No. No. No! Nomu will not be beaten! Nomu will destroy All Might"

Shino put Ren down and motioned for Daichi and Akio to keep a close eye on her. Kurogiri had appeared next to his boss and Shino didn't like him being that close.

"Katsuki, Izuku, Todoroki I'll let you two handle this Kurogiri"

Katsuki grinned more than happy to lay into the mist man. Izuku nodded determined as he focused fire to his feet ready to strike. Shoto only nodded.

"Sora, what do you say we take out the man child? "

Sora smiled brightly and pounded his fists together.

"I'm more than happy to lend a hand"
