
What is this thing?

It really was Atsu and the emperor had sent him to bring Emery back to his palace, the news hit him like a bomb in his lap, and Gyasi was already on his way with great concern to find his prince consort.

Atsu after everything that happened was detained for a while, but Emery asked him to continue as his bodyguard as someone new would only generate a similar mess, at least after the lesson Atsu wouldn't speak things so lightly and would only report back things for Emperor Ade.

What would still be awkward, no one likes to be watched, but Emery who had great power already didn't mind that much, as it would all be a sweet illusion created by himself to show Ade if need be.

He couldn't say his great-uncle was the killer, right?

And neither could say that he was a mighty titan that devours powers and gods, right?
