
Master Puppeteer

Xin now understands how she got those skills and mastery. Koala makes lots of puppet dolls that's why she got that skill from making it.

As for the active skill, she uses the puppet dolls to play and she was not aware that she was starting to develop a skill from what she did.


Achievement: Genius Puppeteer

Given to certain people that are very talented in making different types of a puppet.


Puppet Expertise

Puppet Manipulation

Exceptional Dexterity

Extensive Experiences


Based on the effect of achievement that she got, Koala can become a world-class Puppeteer in the future. But the thing is puppeteer is a low-class job from this world and usually, a puppeteer is just a street performer.

But Xin did not think that based on what he saw Puppeteer can be called Golem Master in some different world.

Not only that Golem Master is a strong profession because they can make a large group of a golem to fight for them.

In the manga nag anime that he sees in the past, there are some people strong enough just using puppet, Golems and other Doll like items that they control.

A puppeteer can even give life to their creation if they wanted but doing that consumes lots of time and energy.

While thinking Xin suddenly remembered the quest that he just got last time and the reward completing it.


Ding! Congratulation you receive: Main Quest: Find the Source

Main Quest: Find the Source

Find where the Yggdrasil Seed came from, pay homage to the main tree and get its blessing.


Find Tree of Yggdrasil

Norse God's Trust

Reward:100,000,000 Exp, Blessing of World Tree, Eves Heart and Automaton Book


Xin now feels excited about finishing the quest, but the thing is he dont know how to finish it except for the right time and hopefully a hint suddenly pop-out to help him.

Last time Xin asked for the hint to the System and he pays gold for it, but this time he did not get any help as if the system is in a bad mood the only thing he got is from System is to wait for opportunity.

Xin pat Koala's head and ask," Did you make lots of dolls?"

Koala nod shyly," After I'm done in my training, somehow i feel bored because no one play with me so I thought to make dolls to play with"

"In the training manual that you gave master, there is a certain skill that teaches me how to make Puppet"

"But the puppet that i make is crude, big and hard to control, so i try to recreate the puppet model it to animals that i know and i was shocked that it much easy to make and control it than the giant puppet"

"After that i made lots of different puppets collect them in my magic bag, even Grandpa Garp told me that I'm genius in making dolls"

Xin suddenly feels happy, not because of what Koala did but because of how Koala talks to him, he can see that the traumatic kid last time is already recovered to a normal child.

He doesn't know how and what they did to Koala while he was away, but the thing is they succeeded in curing her somehow. Xin feels happy that the girl who always smiles now escapes to the nightmare that she experienced.

Xin loving pat her head and said," Later i will help you to make dolls that you like"

Hearing Xin's promise, Koala happily nodded her head.

After finishing talking to Koala, Xin stared at Stella and asked," What about you Stella, what did you gain in the past months?"

Stella gentle smile and said," Master, I mastered the training manual that you left while I hone my archery skill in the whole months"

"Somehow I develop some skill while I'm practicing my archery, and I gain lots of knowledge from Vice-Admiral Garp"

Xin nod," That's good, Grandpa Garp have lots of experience in battling, and if you want to learn fast, The best thing to do is ask someone whos more experience than you"

Stella nodded," Not only that, Vice-Admiral Garp told me that I have talent in Kenbunshoku Haki."

"He said that I need to hone my senses in highest level so that I can use that Haki"

"In my knowledge, Kenbunshoku Haki is easy to master, just like what you said you just need to strengthen your senses until your haki develops," Xin said.

Stella listens attentively to his master's advice when suddenly she remembers something important.

"Master there is something i want to report to you"

Xin was confused and asked," What is it?"

"Before you left i got an incredible bow from nowhere," Stella said while materializing a Bow in her hands.

"This bow suddenly appear in front of me when I awoke one day"

Xin stared at the bow in Stella's hand, he was shocked that there were some different vibes that the bow released.

In the distance a little while ago Xin only felt the destructive power of the bow, but in close Xin felt something more different.

He can feel god energy in the actual bow, he was confused based on what he felt this bow should not appear here.

From its artistic design and the aura giving releasing it, Xin sure that this bow is a weapon of a god.

What confuses Xin is how this thing went to Stella?


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