
Yo~Yo Catching Match end

All boys around were excited except Xin, well, of course Xin is still a kid that's why his reaction is normal.

Then Mikako said,"The rules are simple… the two-man team that fishes up the largest' Yo-Yo' within the time limit wins ..ok?

Xin said," Can we add some obstacles in the pool?"

Mikako nod," Sure ..what do you want to add?"

Xin mysterious smile at her, then he call Ikarus and whisper something to her.

Hearing his master order Ikaros nod, then she fly somewhere.

After a few minutes, Ikaros gone back and signal Xin that everything is done.

Xin then come to Mikako and said," Ok I'm done adding some fun things inside the pool"

Mikako curious so she asks,"What did you add in the pool?"

Xin mischievous laugh," It's a S~E~C~R~E~T you will know after you enter again hehehe ~"

Then Xin take the microphone in Mikako's hand and shout.



In the commentator side, Sugata and Mr. Takehara, the math teacher sit.

Mr. Takehara hold the microphone and said," The Yo-Yo fishing showdown presented and sponsored by The Satsukitane Family has begun!!"

"The commentary will be done by me, Takehara from math department and.."

Sugata calmly said,"Sugata from Sorami high school"

"The contest will be won by the team ...who fishes up the large boobs…*cough "Yo-Yo" on the allotted time!!"

"The boys are in the pool, striving to be the first to search the biggest Yo-Yo"

Sugata then said," But this match only matches for the two groups of this event"

"The Xin Fei and Ikaros pair and the Satsukitane and Shop owner pair"

Then Xin come out from the pool while holding a girl.

Xin righteous said," Don't worry sister i will save you you don't need to be afraid"

The girl nod shyly she just let Xin hold her.

Then after going up Xin asks them for their measurement, Because Xin doesn't has any bad thoughts to her she easily complies.

After that Xin successfully catch one Boob… *Cough "Yo-Yo".

The commentator exclaim," Oh team Xin is easily caught and measure the yo-yo the girl did not even struggle"

Suhara said," Because Xin is doing this in righteous the girls in the pool easily believe him ...what an evil kid"

Xin jump in the pool again, but this time he catch Nymph.

Xin confuses ask," Nymph did you join the fun?"

Nymph shyly nod," Um"

Then he takes her out in the water but there's a problem, the "Yo-Yo" that he catches this time is still small.

Nymph feel the gaze of Xin and shyly said,"W-What is it?"

Xin smile at and carry her in the edge of the pool.

Xin then throw her back in the pool and said," Little fish come back in the sea after you become big enough for me to catch you ~"

Nymph angry shout," Xin i will get you after this …. And who said im small im just too young "

Mr. Takehara proudly said," What a good boy .. he showed good fisherman's etiquette by returning the small fish to the sea"

Sugata nod," Um"

Then Xin dive again to catch a bigger one.

In distance Xin notices Astraea struggling to swim so he comes closer to save her.

But Mikako intercepts him, Xin can see that she smiling sadistic she punch Xin.

Xin was shocked by the power of her punch even under the water he can hear the sonic boom.

Xin block the punch with his feet to propel her up.


Xin successfully block it then he came out in the water, Xin ask," Ojou~Chan what are you doing?"

Mikako come out in the water and grin," I forgot to mention this,but feel free to obstruct your opponents.. <3"

Xin smile and said," Just like what i thought you will do something malicious again .. but your to stupid if you think i will let you do every thing you want"

Then Xin take a deep breath and shout," Ikaros ...RELEASE THE KRAKEN !!"

Ikaros heard his master's voice and nod, She take out a switch and activate it.

In the deepest part of the pool a dimensional gate open,from the gate tentacles emerge slowly the monster from the depth of the sea come out from it.

Mikako asks," What did you do Xin-Kun?"

Xin smile brightly and said," Well i let Ikaros and Nymph go out in the sea to tame an octopus .. I even let Ikaros teach the octopus how to do boxing"


A man come fly out from the pool its the takoyaki stall owner he was punched by the octopus.

The other contestant dive to see what under,they all shook seeing an Octopus wearing eighth boxing gloves while doing jab while protecting the fishes "Girls"

But they know that they can outnumber the Octopus so all of the contestant made an alliance to take down the Kraken "Octopus"

Like a group of school fish all of the swim at the same time and face the Kraken" Octopus"

But they underestimate the Kraken skill, every jab the Kraken two to four contestant were knock out.

But there will towin didn't collapse they still come and face the Kraken.

Meanwhile, the game continues, time passed by without being able to fish up anything significant Xin start to lose to Mikako.

Seeing Xin is about to lose, Sugata take the mike and said," For all the fisherman still left… I will tell you guys a hint.."

"I've heard a legend .. there is a legend that says she lives in this pool"

"Speaking of her size,she easily crushed everyone here .. and even now she still growing larger"


A huge fish "Boob" jump out of the water Xin was dumbstruck because he knows who she is.


Xin where happy he jump in the pool without thinking for the consequences he will face.

Xin shouts," Giant fish wait for me !!"

Suddenly Sohara's rope destroy and face Xin.

Xin gulp and said," Ummm Sohara it's just a game… ca-can .."

Before even Xin finish her world,Sohara give him a karate-chop.

Xin hasty block it with his two arms,then he cries out to Sugata,"Senior this is not just an ordinary fish …. Its… its a sea monster !!!"

Sugata hurry said,"Run Xin … I miscalculate this time she is not just ordinary Legendary fish .. she is the legendary Loch Ness Monster"

Xin know that it's impossible to outrun Sohara so he bravely faces him and ….. Cutely said," Umm Sister Sohara can you let me catch you calmly ~"

Sohara suddenly stop moving forward.

Xin though,' Success hehe Sohara can still win against my super move that i learn in TV'

Xin continue," Sohara-Oneesama .. if..if you let me win i will going to invite you to eat at my home"

Sohara said," Feast"

Xin confused said," What?"

"I want you to make a large feat later"

Xin angry said," What are you joking me a large feast do you know what you are saying?"

Then Sohara raised her hand to indicate that she will going to use her favorite movie.

Xin gulp and said,"O-Ok but this time only "

Sohara nod then she let Xin catch her.

And in the end Xin win the contest after that he bring the gang at his house and cook them a large feast.


For more chapter visit my P@treion



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