

You'll meet them," Primo assured her. "Trust me."

Gabriella knew from the tone of his voice that there was no point pressing for details about the mysterious person who had saved El Tigre's life. She sighed softly and decided to let it go. Instead, she settled into her seat and reached for the necklace around her neck, an unexpected but deeply cherished gift from Primo. Even amidst his injury, he had found a way to give her something so precious, and the thought touched her heart more than she could express.

The minutes passed, and their journey was smooth. The peacefulness of the road filled Gabriella with relief—perhaps, at last, the dangerous days were behind them. Maybe Primo wouldn't need to leave for those risky night expeditions anymore, and she could stop spending her nights in worry. Although she hadn't always understood the full scope of his involvement with the Black Panda, she knew enough to recognize the danger.
