
Episode 48...

Ignoring her remarks, Eigeel sighed, "How did you went past the guards?"

If she didn't appear before him through the scroll, it was clear that she sneaked into the palace without being invited.

This was a huge security risk. Which he will fix right away before he finishes with this. But knowing the capability of the famous White Witch, their current security barriers wouldn't be able to prevent her from entering. She was a ancient as she was beautiful. Sometimes, Eigeel wonders if she was a deity in disguise, because she behaves like one. Meddling and annoying at the same time.

"Oh, it was no challenge, really." she waved her hand, as if swatting a fly. "You'll probably tighten the security and re-enforce the barriers so good luck about that." 

"The barrier didn't work on you." Eigeel stated, and he knew it was a fact. "How?"

"I'm not telling you." she said with a smug grin on her face. "I'm just so great with magic..."
