
Episode 29...

The white crystal is an ancient artifact that everyone can see floating above the northern tower. It's always glowing so brightly that people can see it from miles away.

The stone is called the heart of the Goddess Istis which is the Goddess of Light. It was found by the former Scarlet in her expedition for ancient artifacts in the realm of the elves and she was very lucky to have found it first.

In this world, there are 9 realms: The Human Realm, The Fairy Realm, The Realm of the Orcs, The Realm of the Giants, The Elven Realm, The Dwarven Realm, The Beast Realm, The Realm of the Angels, and lastly, the realm where Scarlet ruled as Queen, the Realm of Gehenna- formerly known as the Demon Realm.

Each one of the realms has different ancient artifacts buried in each of their territories. They were left there by the Celestial Creators before they disappeared in this world thousands of years ago.
