
chapter 48: Return

[AUTOR NOTE: Well first of all, excuse me for chapters 46 and 47, it was unnecessary, it was rather a filler, I wanted to try something new, but first I will finish Fairy Tail and then I will see what happens. Now it only remains to say that it was a social experiment hahaha]


Year x779.

Up in the skies of the Alvarez Empire, citizens found themselves witnessing something strange and mysterious rarely seen, since a brilliant light suddenly appeared high in the sky, descending slowly towards the ground.

Although it was noon and the sunlight was shining brightly, that little light did not compare to sunlight because that little light was so much brighter and more striking that it forced all the people in that place to look at it.

In that light, there was, of course, Yuujiro who was returning from his strange journey and found a different world.

Slowly the light that surrounded a Yuujiro that descended on the roof of a house and soon after the light disappeared, giving a sight to Yuujiro who looked to the sides to be able to orient himself where he had fallen.

Now he had the power to be able to freely travel the worlds and he could choose the time he wanted to appear, but what he could not control was the place where he would appear again.

It would appear in a random place every time he traveled or returned to his world.

Now he was standing on the roof of an old house and looking from left to right, after confirming that he had appeared in the same empire Alvarez was able to relax a little.

Because if he appeared on the other side of the world it would be shit since he would have to travel for many days to be able to return to this place again.

Yuujiro: 'uff it seems that I returned to the Alvarez Empire, but that trip was a bit strange to tell the truth. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to return to this place since I still don't want to travel to another world, but without first exploring this completely. '

'Well, I don't know how long I've been out, but I'd better find Mikumo and Flare.'

Yuujiro started using the observation Haki to be able to look for the girls, but suddenly he felt a strange noise of something shredding, he looked down and saw that the wood he was standing on was breaking little by little.


The wood under his feet broke and Yuujiro plummeted to the ground while keeping his face calm and his brow furrowed.




"What happened."

"Something fell from the ceiling."

"Hey ... it can't be, a pervert."

"A voyeur."

Several screams of women sounded around the place, speculating that it was what had fallen from the ceiling of the women's bathroom.

Yuujiro without knowing the situation came out of the water and what he found in front of his eyes was many young women who were naked, the sight in front of his eyes was something that he will never forget in his life.

But the women when they saw that a man had emerged from the water were scared and began to scream and run, covering their bodies as much as they could with their hands, moving away from the place and going outside to put on their clothes.

'Shit from all the places I could see landed I landed in paradise, thank you girls for letting me see your perfect body ... damn me and my body as a teenager, clearly, this affected me in a way.' Yuujiro thought while keeping his face emotionless and frowning.

"Yuujiro-sama: If you wanted to see my naked body you only had to tell me and I would gladly show it to you every day."

Suddenly a sexy and seductive voice sounded from Yuujiro's back that he immediately recognized and then he felt something soft and large rubbing his back and a pair of hands wrapped around his body. Yuujiro without turning around realized that it was Mikumo.

"Mikumo, well, I was just going to look for you!" Yuujiro spoke turning around completely and when he did that it was his biggest mistake or happiness since when he did that, Mikumo took the opportunity and with a big hug he buried Yuujiro's head between his big breasts.

Yuujiro was also not an idiot and took advantage of that situation by grabbing Mikumo's huge breasts.

"ahhh ... Yuujiro-sama, if you wanted to do this so much you should have told me before." Mikumo said between a gasp and a beautiful voice that came out of her mouth unconsciously.

Yuujiro was growing and his body began to stimulate himself only when his little brother woke up slowly and went rock hard between Mikumo's thighs.

Mikumo feeling that between her legs, she was happy because Yuujiro had been like this looking at her body.

She and Yuujiro only a few weeks ago that they had started to be together, but it was only kisses and nothing else. Mikumo was a little more perverted and she already wanted to do that with her man, but since they now had little Flare, she held on while resisting the urge not to jump in Yuujiro's bed at night and do the thing she wanted so much. do.

Yuujiro had accepted her because he was not an idiot and he already saw the way Mikumo looked at him and treated him. Mikumo was a good woman and he knew that, and that's why he, seeing all of this, ended up accepting her as a lover.

Mikumo was a loyal, kind woman, a little childish and sometimes a bit silly with only a few flaws she had, but those little things were what he liked about her, they had already spent more than two years together and he already knew she had gotten used to it, her perversions and everything else.

Yuujiro looked up to meet Mikumo's eyes and was going to open his mouth to say something, but a childish voice sounded right next to them.

"Yaaayy papa also came to bathe with us." Flare interrupted screaming and splashing water at the two who were in an awkward position. Behind Flare, Yuujiro saw that there was a girl a little older than Flare hiding her body behind her.

"Well that was a little awkward," Yuujiro said pulling away from Mikumo's bare breasts. Then he looked at both of them and said: "It would be better if you got dressed and we left here, some guards are approaching this address, so we had better get out quickly."

"It's true, well ... Flare, Brandish, let's go fast." Mikumo said jumping out of the water with the two little ones in his arms and Yuujiro following behind with his gaze on the perfect white butt of Mikumo moving from left to right as he walked.

After a while, the girls came out dressed in their clothes and approached where Yuujiro was waiting, then disappeared from that place only seeing a small blur when they moved at incredible speed.

Soon after, some people came to the women's restroom and began searching for the pervert described by the women who had previously escaped.


In a narrow alley with no people in sight, the four people who had previously been in that bathroom appeared.

Yuujiro looked at the green-haired girl and when the girl met his gaze she hid behind Mikumo.

Mikumo watching as Yuujiro looked at Brandish, she realized that he did not know her and introduced her: "Ah, right .... this girl is Brandish, we met her a few hours ago today."

Flare: "She is my friend."

Mikumo: "As she is from here, she kindly offered to show us the places around her, thanks to her we were able to eat delicious food and we played a lot after that she showed us that bath house that was where you fell."

Yuujiro: "I see, well, Brandish, I'm Yuujiro and I'm coming with her." Yuujiro introduced himself with a small smile on his face, leaving Brandish a bit confused.

Brandish's first impression of Yuujiro, was a serious and emotionless person who spent all day angry, because when he saw him the first time he gave him that impression since she sometimes met people like him.

But then when she saw that Yuujiro smile that found her a little scary, she just relaxed a little bit. Not long ago Flare kept telling him about him and from what he heard from Flare, Yuujiro seemed like a scary person but he was kind to people close to him.

Yuujiro: "Now we can no longer stay at the hotel where we were, recently I disappeared from the place where I was and perhaps the guard who was following me had already informed his superiors that I disappeared and now they must be looking for us."

Mikumo: "It is true, the other guy who was following us was also outside waiting for us to leave, but since he never saw us leave that place, it is most likely that he also reported that we also disappeared."

Brandish listening to those few words that Yuujiro and Mikumo exchanged realized that those people had no place to stay so she said. "If they don't have a place to stay because they don't come to my house."

Yuujiro: "You are sure girl, you don't even know us and even so you are offering your house for us to stay, what will happen to you if they find out that you are taking refuge in your house."

Brandish: "That does not matter, I have a teacher who teaches me magic and nobody dares to bother me, I will explain everything that happens to you, I do not think you are bad people although your face is scary, sir."

Brandish ended up saying that almost screaming, thank goodness they were in a secluded place or else people would have discovered her long ago.

Yuujiro: "hahahaha very good girl, thank you, we will gladly accept your offer, but if something goes wrong and they discover us, we will act as if we had kidnapped you and forced you to leave us at your house, understood."

Y-yes. Brandish replied with clenched fists and a serious look on his face.
