
chapter 45: Brandish

"Old you who you are, we have met somewhere." Finally Yuuiro asked him a question confusing the people behind him looking at what was happening on the other hand when they asked him that question. He slowly saw his eyes and looked at Yuujiro with a strange glow in his eyes.

"I do not think we have seen young, I have never left this kingdom and I can see that you are not from here." The old man answered in a weak and tired voice.

"hmm, I don´t understand, why suddenly you told me that I was going to have bad luck." Yuujiro asked the old man strangely because of what he had said just now.

"Well, I don't know, just those words came out of my mouth unconsciously."

"hmm strange, well it's fine I'm leaving, I have nothing else to do here." He said Yuujiro and proceeded to stand up stretching his back, but when he was going to move away the old man stopped him.

"Wait young, I can see that you are a true wizard, what if you invite me to eat something and I can sell you a very special technique that I have in my ownership."

Yuujiro stopped to hear that and thought. 'To invite him to eat and then sell it to me, it would not be the other way around that I invited him to eat and in return he gives me that technique that he says he has.'

But I can't judge a book by its cover, he may have a really secret technique in his possession. After all, old people are always the wisest and most mysterious since some of them don't talk about their origin or themselves, he may have something like that.

Yuujiro:"You know a good place to eat."

"jiejiejiejie of course yes my good friend."

Yuujiro:"Open the way. Yuujiro told the old man to guide him to the place he wants to eat."


While Yuujiro invited an unknown old man to eat on another side of the kingdom were Mikumo and Flare. Mikumo was running behind flare because she has been running nonstop seeing the different places here in this place.

"Wait Flare, do not run." Mikumo shouted as he ran after her trying to reach her, people, all men turned to see Mikumo when she passed in front of them, the reason for that is that when she ran the two melons that commonly call her chest bounced, bounced from top to bottom and swayed left and right looking for a way out.

The men were enjoying the sight they had in front of their eyes, and Mikumo didn't realize that, or just ignored them.

"Quick over here." The little Flare said as she waved her hand saluting Mikumo.

After seeing that Mikumo was approaching her, she turned around and was going to start running again when she suddenly crashed into a person who made her fall to the ground.



Flare fell heavily to the ground because she was running without looking forward, then stabilized and looked at the person she had hit.

She was a girl a little older than her, she had green hair and a sad face on her face while looking at her.

"You're fine, sorry for throwing you to the ground I wasn't looking forward and I didn't realize you, little one." The green-haired girl told Flare and stretched out her hand to lift her, Flare took her hand carefully while she was nervous.

"Flare, you're fine." asked a voice and they both looked at the address watching Mikumo stop there while Flare was lying on the ground.

"Oh sorry, I crashed with her and threw her to the ground." talked the girl with green hair, apologizing to her for throwing Flare.

"It is not right, you are not to blame, it is she who has been running all this time, it is not true little Flare." Mikumo spoke and ended up making a scary face to flare that when he saw her she got scared and in a trembling voice she said.

Flare:"hehehe if it's true my fault, my fault, I'm sorry miss ...."

"Brandish, my name is Brandish, what is yours little one."

"I am Flare, the woman behind me is my mother Mikumo."


Yuujiro and the old man were sitting eating in a place that had chosen their taste, while they walked down the street they did not talk much, the old man was shorter than Yuujiro, his stature reached his chest.

Now they were eating all kinds of food that they brought to the table, the old man kept eating spitting food everywhere, you could see that he was very hungry because of the way he ate.

Yuujiro seeing that, he decided not to wait any longer and asked. So what is this powerful magic that you told me you had in your power?

"Oh, that, well, that's a really powerful magic because of what they told me, although it's only a copy of the real one, but it's an exact copy of it." Said the old man in a mysterious voice raising a finger attracting Yuujiro´s attention.

Yuujiro:"So it's just a copy and who has the real one."

"jiajiajiajia good listen and you will be surprised, this is a technique of the very 'Irene Belserion' one of the 12 Spriggan of this kingdom."

When the old man said that, Yuujiro he was a little surprised, how this old man was able to put a technique of her into his hands, thinking about that he told her. "Oh, then that technique must be very strong, then because you don't show it to me anymore and you stop wasting your time."

"jiajia is fine, take this is." The old man said when he put his hand in the pocket of his pants and took out a piece of paper passing it to Yuujiro. Yuujiro who received that paper proceeded to open it and when he did that, he was greatly surprised by what he saw written there, with a surprised face and trembling he said.

"But what the fuck is this." What he had written on the paper was something he recognized immediately, since what was on the paper were strange drawings of some people doing a strange dance.

The dance was in which the two people did some strange dance steps and then ended up with the people joining their fingertips.

'But what the fuck is this, this is not the fusion technique that I showed Erza a long time ago, because she had something like this, this is impossible ... she has never met her, and Erza is the only person to that I have shown you these steps.'

Yuujiro was thinking very seriously about what he was seeing in the paper he had in his hands, he was trying to find the answers but he couldn't think of any, after a while he calmed down a little and said.

"Tell me old man, who gave him this role." Yuujiro asked after seeing the contents of that paper, the old man was finishing his drink when he heard the question they asked him, then looked at Yuujiro and simply told him, "I stole it from a friend."
