
Angel of Aurae

Asleep, the young woman's soft face was a wonder of nature, her pale, albeit faintly grayish complexion glistening like diamond dust in the dimness of the man-made cavern. Her curves were hidden by her natural chitin armor and she was still just over four meters tall, but Jake could already make out the two silver protrusions growing behind her back.

"Only two wings..." He murmured with slight relief.

That meant she hadn't had time to digest much Blood Essence from that mysterious Digestor. A Digestor could digest anything and assimilate its essence, whether it was its DNA or its Aether Code.

The great strength of these beings was not that they could digest everything, but that they could decide what to do with it. The genetic and Aetheric material extracted from their victims formed a subconscious database that they could instinctively recombine to achieve various evolutions. Only when their mind was set would the mutation finally take place.
