

It was a quiet, subdued group that returned to UA's main campus. Things would have made more sense to them all if it was just shock, but by this point, they had had enough time to recover from that. The silence could have been said to be awkward, but it was more than that. There were so many questions to be asked, but nobody could.

Was Kai insane? Why else would he have done any of that? Or was he right about All Might?

Why was All Might so quiet and sad and… vulnerable?

How was it even possible? How could the most powerful man on the planet be taken down by a teenager like them? And with nothing but words! Just as Kai had said, he did not hurt anyone, yet he had clearly broken All Might. He had gone from the powerful, confident man everyone in the world knew to a shell of himself.

Nobody said anything because… nobody could say anything. They had all had a shock, but the one who had taken the most damage was their teacher, their hero. What could possibly be said by any of them? Even though they all wanted to ask their questions, how could they, knowing that the only one who could answer them at the moment could only be hurt further by their questions? So, in the end, all questions were held through the bus ride, the locker rooms, and the halls.

If it weren't for Kai's "attack," All Might could have run ahead to the infirmary to check in on Deku as he wanted to. But now, he couldn't muster all of his power. There was too much on his mind to control and use his power. Not to mention, he didn't want to show his current state to him. So, in a daze, he simply released the class and walked slowly to the infirmary, trying to collect himself along the way.

Though dismissed, all of the students stayed in the room. They wanted answers, and would wait for one who could give them.

It did not take long for that one to come. Ayako cautiously opened the door a few minutes later. With her Quirk, she knew the mood of the room before she looked in, and sighed.

"What happened? I can guess what he did, but tell me everything else, too," she said gently.

It took a little bit of time and encouragement, but eventually, between the girls, mostly, everything that had happened during the Battle Trial came out. Ayako's steady, calm demeanor made it easy for them. At the end, she went up to Hagakure, who had come out worst of the group, having been caught by the throat. With a touch to the forehead, she leveled out the fear and replaced it with peace. It wasn't going to be permanent, but hopefully, it would buy her time to process everything. Then, she turned to everyone else and bowed deeply to apologize.

"I am so, so sorry. Gentle is rarely a word that describes Kai. But at the same time, in the six years that he has lived with my family, insane and evil were never words I could use for him."

"How could you say that after hearing what he-"

"I never said he wasn't dangerous, or that he didn't have it in him to do anything he has said he has done. Just that he isn't evil. He's like a destroying angel. They kill by the thousands for justice. His definition of 'doing good' is a lot broader than normal, letting him do many things in the name of justice. Which, I sadly must agree is with him. Like it or not, I think All Might was in the wrong. Though, I never thought he would use that homework assignment. Not like this," she finished quietly.

"What homework assignment?" Asui asked.

"You think he knew those things about All Might's past without a lot of research?" Ayako asked sadly. "After they moved in, his mom taught both of us how to be heroes, and she also taught us how to do research and prepare against an enemy. She said that finding All Might's weakness, if we could, would be a good exercise in many respects. I was with him when he presented her with his findings. I just never thought it would be used."

"So… that means it was true?" Kaminari asked hesitantly. "All Might…"

"To some degree, at least. I think that when he used it to attack All Might, he exaggerated a bit- he had to. But, yes, there was at least some truth. There were many people who died or suffered while All Might could have done more, or just better. It is an inevitable truth, because no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't possibly be perfect. Every hero will have some stories like this. Not to mention, if there wasn't at least some truth, would he have been shaken like this? Still, even if the other examples weren't true, the story about his mother definitely was."

"… Who was she?" Todoroki asked.

Ayako turned to him with a sad look in her eyes. "A woman who was let down by the world, and then abandoned it. Who decided that though her son was a monster born to destroy the world, she would love him, and teach him to love the world and protect it. A telepath who literally fed her mind to her son so that he would be strong enough to live. I'd say more, but her story would be awkward to tell, because it isn't just his," she finished with meaningful look to Todoroki.

"Destroy the world? Nobody could do that. You think too much of your brother. I can take him," Bakugo said with a sneer.

Ayako sighed and shook her head. She pulled out her phone, opened a picture, and slid it onto Asui's desk in the front. The class gathered around. On it was a picture of a younger Kai with a wide grin, making a peace sign. Next to him, was a creature that was like a centaur with a crab where the horse should be, covered in hard carapace and with long claws. But if Kai was a normal sized child, then that creature-

"Do you remember that voice, and the claws that picked Kai up off the floor? Arachne is another kind of monster that he can summon. She's about six meters tall, can reach out nine with her talons, and throw acid covered spikes clean through six centimeters of steel from over fifty meters away. And she has a sister. But those aren't the important things about her."

The class gawked at her, thinking this couldn't possibly be real. How was a six-meter monster's acid spikes not important? What could make it worse?

"The thing you have to know about these creatures is that they are real beings. They think and feel, though most of them are very simple, like a dog. So, it's easy to understand why they listen to Kai's commands.

"But Arachne and her sister are different. They can talk. They have higher reasoning. They follow for another reason, even while they are bound to him. Kai asked them what they wanted once, and do you know what they said? They said they want essence to improve themselves and become perfect. And essence is what they call DNA, or something else within it.

"Kai says that they are master genetic engineers- all of them. They consume, they absorb, and they adapt. They can share it, too. The only reason they don't disappear when Kai falls asleep, or gets hit with neurotoxin, is because of them modifying him back. They treat him as one of their own. They want him stronger, so more of them can come, and be of use to him, as that will lead to them getting more essence."

"… By eating people," Yaoyorozu said.

"Yes. If he wanted to, he could wage war on the world alone through a cycle of consumption. He has had dreams of those creatures marching out by the trillions on worlds without end. With dozens of types- you've already seen his spies, his scouts, and his bombs, even though this one was just a gumball. He does have the acid ones; he wasn't lying about that. But there's more, some of which he isn't strong enough for yet. He has seen them in his dreams, and is getting them ready on the other side."

"Ready for what?" Ashido asked.

"Well, that's where he hasn't told me everything. Some of this is what he has told me, and some of it is just good guesswork. If he was intentionally made, then there are more with Quirks like his. People capable of summoning monsters. But they created Kai, who is stronger and can control them because his mom was a telepath. And boy, did they hit the jackpot.

"So if they are getting ready for war, so will Kai. And his best options are to either take over the world himself to save it from them, or to get help. But he won't take over the world, nor will he take the path of slaughter. Since All Might and the others failed him, he is putting his faith in you to be his companions through the war. He will ask you to do one of two things. Ideally, you will all bear the burden of saving the world together."

"… What is the other thing?"

The door slid open.

"The other thing is that you all kill me before I threaten the world."

So, Kai was waiting behind the door for the perfect entrance. I just didn't write that in the chapter because A) dramatic entrance! and B) it would break the story flow. But I see it in character for Kai.

Anyone here watch Trope Talks from Overly Sarcastic Productions? I'm trying to make Kai a CMHB, or Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. Specifically the manchild variant, much like that Brooklyn 99 guy, or maybe Captain Reynolds in Firefly. If things aren't serious, why be serious? Hence, his focus on the dramatic entrance here.

Next chapter is just comedic relief. Unless I remembered wrong, in which case I should just look, but I'm not going to.

Uploading Saturday, and then... dunno. I have some chapters, but not a huge stock. But, I'm sure you have come to expect delays.

Tvrkmcreators' thoughts