
Lunch - Honey II

Honey was something I paid special attention to because unlike the food that was being served around us, it had more uses than just being used to sweeten food and drink, and in this truck's case, their top-selling waffles.

It was common knowledge that honey came from bees but there's a little more to it than that.

Before the world ended, we would always pick up a jar or a few packets to take home for a spread or to be mixed in with tea, and most of the time, they were just regular commercialized honey that had gone through several processes which, unfortunately, made it lose some of its special properties.

Raw, unfiltered honey that came from certain plants like tea trees, black locusts trees, dandelion, sage, buckwheat, eucalyptus, and some others had properties that made them more expensive and sought after by the right people looking for something more.
