
Reactions - Wait, lemme give someone a call.

My group and I drove a few meters down Araneta Avenue to reach our destination. The insurance companies we were looking at were just small offices spread throughout this area along with the other buildings meant for supporting the LTO. With that said, we have a stretch of road filled with the dead to take care of so we went back to business.

It was a bad idea to direct the dead to ourselves but to draw them out of their hiding places while in the safety of our vehicle, I made Ibarra press onto the horn for tens of seconds without letting go. My group was watching both ends of the road and we could clearly see how all of the rotting heads turned in our direction the moment they heard us.

Different faces with different areas where they got ridden with bites were coming for us with wobbled steps for the most part. Kaley started thinning them down with her rifle but the moment Jared started firing incessantly, we knew that specials have joined the party.
