
Desert Eagle - Can I have an S&W M&P M2.0 instead?

I looked over at Johnny and said, "Johnny, hear me out. I won't just teach them how to fight, alright? There are lots of things to learn here and being able to use guns is just one of them. We have teachers, engineers, farmers, soldiers, doctors, mechanics, etc. that we could all learn from."

Johnny turned to me with the same expression, "No, no. I already get what you're trying to say. I'm just… just wondering when I lost my edge. I used to have the same mindset as you are. I guess I'll follow after you two to get it back. Is that okay?"

I smiled faintly as I replied, "Of course."

Johnny looked at me for a few moments then he contemplated for a short while. After that, he pulled out his holster and a gun and an extra magazine were in it.

"Here. I want you to have this. Take it as a sign of goodwill."

My eyes lit up, "Oh~ A Desert Eagle!"

"Yup. Take care of that will ya? I—"

Oscar whistled, "That's a sweet gun. Hmm~ .50 AE?"
