
A Battle against the Big Sister (Part 2)


Shiella looked at Arthur with full amusement before conjuring a group of ice arrows in the air, pointing them at Arthur and Leonard.

She was about to attack when she suddenly heard Zero's voice from the party chat channel. "Aren't you being a little too harsh to your little brother?"

Hearing that, Shiella immediately replied by whispering. "Too harsh? If only you know how this little rascal ruined my once-in-a-lifetime debut birthday! No! Not only that! This guy is hell-bent at ruining all of my birthday parties even before that!"

She was gritting her teeth pretty hard when she remembered what Arthur had done during those times. On top of those, there were also the times when this little brother ruined the plans that she created for their family trips when they were young. It was as if this guy was born to mess with her life.
