
Krune’s Gigantic Flex

"Think of our offer," an anonymous entity in the Soul Trading Hub said.

"Yes…" The other party nodded in response, watching the anonymous entity leave. Cutting off the connection, the entity's soul returned to reality, revealing a middle-aged man with a rust-colored complexion, one that sighed in worry. 

"Both the Mong Realm and Garg Realm after the same thing." He sighed in worry.

His worries included paying an exorbitant tax to the Mong Realm or paying a tenth of the taxes to the Garg Realm but offending the Mong Realm in response. Both were horrible options with similar damage dealt to their realm. 

"It's only because our Bolg Realm is weak." He sighed, feeling powerless. 

The Bolg Realm was situated in a rather prime location, allowing it to develop well. However, it was a young realm that didn't even know of the existence of the other realms until recently. 
