
Pestlor Returns

"Here…" Dulan-G said as he handed over an identity card to Krune. "Are you sure you wish to live by the name of Pestlor?" 

"Yeah, that was what I've been named anyway. Might as well just go with it," Krune said, grabbing the identity card as he walked away. "Thanks for your help. I won't be appearing here ever again."

"Y-You know…" Dulan-G said all of a sudden, watching Krune leave. "If things get hard, you can return here anytime you want." 

Krune just waved his hand and left, thinking, 'I'm getting pretty good at acting, to be honest.'

The fact of the matter is, throughout this interaction, he didn't use any Mental Energy to manipulate Dulan-G. This showed that Dulan-G wholly bought his ploy through his sheer acting skills alone. 
