
Myriad Elements Protection Formation

Lire couldn't see that ball of Purple Lightning cultivation. All he could do was judge its strength through the power it was showing now. Suddenly, he heard Hiro's voice from behind.

"Lire, I won't intervene as long as it is just you, but don't say that I didn't warn you. Hahaha!"

Those words immediately put Lire on his guard. The last thing that he wanted was to get injured in this place. No one knows what is beyond that barrier, so he has to stay in peak condition for and if it opens.

Lire then snorted and said.

"Whatever, I don't have time to deal with you."

He then turned back and returned to his sect exploration team.

No one from the other teams thought that Lire was afraid. If anything, they believe that he was right in retreating now. They, too, would have done the same thing. This isn't the time to start a battle, especially one that you don't know if you can even win.
