

Harrison who just got back from Alexandra's palace immediately changed his clothes and took a shower. He wanted to sleep immediately that's why he finished showering after 10 minutes but to his surprise, there were visitors which annoyed him. As soon as he got out of the bathroom, a voice was heard. "Where were you?" A boy at the same age as Harrison who has blonde hair that was in a neat hairstyle and golden-colored eyes which was slightly droopy that made him look gentle and kind. His voice was low and gentle, curiosity about their friend's sudden disappearance trailed his voice. Another voice added, "Yeah, where were you? You suddenly disappeared." It belongs to a boy with bluish-gray hair which was messy. His green eyes looked enchanting and beautiful.

Harrison knitted his eyebrows and looked at the two of them, Carlos who has blonde hair and Luke who has bluish-gray hair, they were in their pajamas. He was wondering why are they here inside his room as if they own it but since he is already used at them suddenly bargaining, trespassing or entering his room without notice or permission from his, he just let them be. "Somewhere you don't know." Harrison just simply responded and walked towards his bed and laid down.

"You're going to sleep already?" Luke asked as he watched Harrison lay down his bed and covered his self with the comforter. Harrison's back faced them.

"Yeah, so go away. I don't want anyone to disturb me while I sleep." Harrison answered and slowly closed his eyes. He heard Luke mutter, "So cold." He didn't mean about the temperature, what he meant was Harrison's attitude. Harrison didn't respond and just closed his eyes, he heard footsteps walking towards the door, "Goodnight." Carlos said in a gentle voice which Harrison heard. "Goodnight!" Luke's voice was loud when he spoke and after that, he heard the door close and he was left alone.


Alexandra sat on a chair with a table that has a mountain of books, some were on the floor and some were on the other chairs. She was in a good mood today because Harrison visited her yesterday night. Since the flowers on the flower vases were already replaced with the help of Yulli, she decided to go to the library and get drowned with the sea of books. Some books were about history, some were about myths, legends, and tales, some were about the books created by famous authors, some were about medicine and health, and some were about theories. As a 7-year-old, the maids called her genius and extraordinary because of the books she was reading, she was young yet old at the same time. Alexandra couldn't help it, instead of reading children's books, she was reading complicated thick books. Of course, learning through school is better.

Currently, she's reading a book about the Queenilia Empire's history, the previous emperors, wars that they have won, territories that they have conquered and such. The book was written 3 years ago or more which was quite new, maybe Diana bought the book, she figured since Diana also love to read books about history and since she also knows that Alexandra loves books. Alexandra heaved a sigh and closed the book. She wants to do something, she wants to do some things that she usually doesn't do but she's a kid on Diana and the other maids' eyes. Alexandra stood up from her seat and carefully left and passed by the stacks of books. She left the library quietly and closed the door behind her. She walked down the stairs heading towards the garden to admire the view while walking around.

When she passed through the door, the calm and gentle breeze caressed her bare skin and her hair fluttered with the wind. The smell of flowers became stronger and sweet as she draws near the garden. She saw Daisy sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground, sweeping it towards the pile of orange, yellow and golden leaves. A characteristic of the season of fall or autumn. The wistalia trees weren't affected by the season, the flowers still bloomed and glowed. It still bears fruits even in winter. The lake still looks enchanting and beautiful even during the winter, the lake frozen, snow piling up on top of the trees and on the ground and the wistalia flowers blooming and glowing. The wistalia flowers glowed because of the mana that runs through the flowers, fruits, and trees, that's why Harrison eats the fruits it bare. She was excited for the celebration of the winter star, receiving and giving gifts was the best feeling and the curiosity she will experience when she's wondering and asking herself what's inside the wrapped box or gift she just received.

The garden wasn't affected by the season either. That's because of the gardener's magic that makes the plants and flowers unaffected with the season. Alexandra walked around the garden and looked at each of the flowers that were beautiful and enchanting. She wonders why everything in this world looks enchanting, was it because she's in a world where magic exists? She hummed a song while walking around and she thought of her conversation with Harrison yesterday night. Does Harrison have friends? What do they look like? Are they also grumpy like him or are they kind and gentle? Alexandra got attached and close to Harrison easily because he frequently helps her and accompany her, he would sometimes teleport inside her room during the night to talk with her until she gets sleepy, he would sometimes annoy her, he would celebrate her birthday and the winter star during the night when he visits and he would sometimes give her gifts or books. Those are the reasons why she had a hard and long time adjusting to the quiet palace and nights.

"Young miss," A voice was heard behind Alexandra making her startled. She turns her head around and looks at the person to see Daisy smiling at her with a broom on her hand. "What is it, Daisy?" Alexandra asked sweetly and politely. A sweet smile plastered on Alexandra's face. With a worried expression, Daisy asked Alexandra: "Are you okay now?"

Her question made Alexandra confused but she realized what she was referring to. She was referring to what happened 4 days ago which made Alexandra terrified that she stayed inside her room at the library, locking herself in, refusing to talk anyone for 2 days. It was worse than what happened 2 years ago. She had trouble falling asleep because of questions inside her mind and the nightmares she will have when she falls asleep. That's why she looked tired and pale not until Harrison visited her which made her happy. Aside from that, Diana would sometimes come inside her room late at night to check if she's peacefully sleeping or awake.

Alexandra smiled widely at Daisy, "Yes, thank you for worrying." Alexandra said and bowed at her. She had troubled the maids and made them worry about her. Daisy who was shocked to see Alexandra who has a higher status than her bowing, panicked, "Y-You don't need to b-bow, Young miss!" Daisy said panicking, this was unusual and new to her. After serving many nobles before Alexandra, no one would bow at her while thanking her. Alexandra was very different, she was glad that she served Alexandra. Alexandra was sweet, polite, gentle, calm, and cute, she was very different from other girls and nobles. Alexandra even though she wasn't with her family and wasn't declared as an Everly because of some reasons (Being the only female born in their bloodline and such), she was still powerful and held a high status. She had the Everly blood running inside her body and she was a genius. She could be a scholar.

Alexandra raised her head and looked at Daisy smiling sweetly, Daisy's heart skipped a beat. At first, when she saw Alexandra who was a baby and just woke up, once she saw her gem-like blue eyes and platinum white hair, she was sure that she'll grow up as a cruel, arrogant and rude person just like her father that's why she avoided Alexandra as much as possible but as she witnessed her grew up, she was sweet and polite who respects people no matter what status they are. Her and the other maids— except for Diana—who distanced their selves slowly softened their heart and became close to her.

Daisy smiled back at Alexandra, "Then, I'll just continue sweeping. Blessings for the Queenilia Empire." She said and walked back towards her previous location where there are scattered leaves. Alexandra watched Daisy sweep for seconds before she continued walking around the place. A week left before fall ends and winter comes. She was excited to experience running around the snow once again.

Hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for reading!

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