
Before The Final Battle

Gu Qing Shan put the vase away and looked back at the mountain top.

There wasn't a single person left alive, even their weapons and personal treasure tools were already collected by the Tianma, not leaving even a speck of dust behind.

What he has to do next is just wait.

He's already done all that he can do, he'll need to wait for the Tianma's decision.

The darkness of night slowly rescinded as dawn came.

A bright red light appeared from far at the horizon.

It's not the sun, it's the rain of fire that once again appeared to rain down on the area.

Glancing at the rain of fire, Gu Qing Shan frowned.

He suddenly thought of something.

If the Zishan young master is currently facing the Tribulation in another world, then who is currently manipulating the gourd of fire?

The maids.

It must be the two maids
