
Chapter seventy: Releasing the pain

Madi's POV:

"Good morning Aunt Madi!"

I felt the sudden sinking to the side of my bed. It's because of my seven years old niece, Sarah from my older sister Madison. She jumped up and hugged me on the back as I lay on my stomach. 

"Aunt Madi, wake up!" she climbed onto my back and started making me her horse. 

-'Oh my dearest God! Why did you give me such a lovable niece?'-

"Sweetie, it's still early!"

I complained as I took one of the pillows to cover my face, but the silly kid took it away from me and repeatedly jumped on the bed. 

"No! It's already eight o'clock, it's actually late in the morning."

"Oh God! Sarah, stop that! You might fall!" I opened my left eye. 

"No! I'm used to this, Aunt Madi. Come on, get up, we're still going to the park, you promised me!"
