
Gang War At The Docks


I raised an eyebrow at the two groups of gang members in front of me, all of them currently glaring at each other.

"Even though they know the truth, they're still like this?" I mused.

Elaria sighed, "It's not easy to just have them both get along just like that…"

Tsuki also sighed, "The only reason why they're not attacking is because we told them not to…"

I peeked behind me to see a small movement behind some boxes. That was definitely Lian Li following me here.

Since I already expected her to follow along, I wasn't surprised by that. What was actually surprising was the fact that I could also see more figures trying to hide themselves behind her, which I'm guessing was the rest of the girls who had chosen to follow along for some reason.

At least Cai Hong wasn't here so she should be properly tucked in bed already.

Well… As long as they don't get into trouble, I guess it's fine to leave them be.
