
She's Always Planning Ahead


When Iris approached me last night to request to start an orgy with the other girls, I was already thinking that something was weird.

It was only after we started that I realised what was going on.

"You're… Consolidating everyone's pleasures and directing them to yourself, before sending it back to them, aren't you?" I confronted Iris after everyone had fallen asleep.

"Ara, ara? Looks like Master caught me~"

It's not even about me catching her, she never even bothered to hide it. She was even broadcasting that feeling to me as well.

"Let me see… Ever since you got roped into that orgy with them, you've realised that you can get much more pleasure than normal if there were more people involved, yes?"

"Ufufufu~ Master knows me so well~"

Like I said, you weren't even trying to hide it considering you were also sharing the feeling with me to enhance my pleasure too.
