
They Want Girl Time


I sighed when I came out from the chapel after returning myself back to my female form.

Revealing who I was presented its own set of problems since I'm pretty sure these people became zealots after seeing me. They even thought that the current religion was not showing me enough respect and wanted to change it to deify me even more.

I had to turn that idea down quite a few times before they got the hint that that wasn't what I wanted.

Another sigh came to me just as I thought about it.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and I looked down to see Cai Hong sucking her finger while looking at me, "Papa sad?"

I chuckled, "No, no, just a little tired. No need to worry about it."

Before I could react, she went to hug my waist with her tiny hands, "Cai Hong huggies! Huggies make Papa no tired!"

Why are you so cuuuuute!
