
Chapter 13 - Secret Found

After eating, they went to continue walking and decided to watch the fireworks. So they went to the place where they can watch the fireworks according to their ticket.

Raphael: Wow, I never seen something like this. Fireworks are awesome. They look gorgeous.

Marius: Yup! This is why it is also famous for couples to watch.

Gabriel: It is romantic. I am so glad I came here with her.

Michael: I am so happy I am with her beside me while watching these fireworks. It is really romantic. (took her hands to hold while watching)

Angeline: The fireworks are so cool today, although I have seen better fireworks show but this is the most romantic fireworks show I have been.

After watching the fireworks and they went back to their room to sleep and wash out.

Michael, Raphael, and Angeline went to the jacuzzi as Angeline is wearing a swimsuit, and both men are wearing briefs. After that, as the jacuzzi's water is hot, and their bodies get hot, both men stares at her and looks down at her breasts almost being shown as her nipples are showing and got hard because her swimsuit is fitted and got wet from the water. They don't turn into mermaids as Angeline and Michael left their necklaces at the shelves where their dirty and clean clothes are. Angeline saw both Raphael and Michael looking at her breasts.

Angeline: What? Why are you guys looking at my breasts?

Raphael: Can't you read our minds?

Angeline: We left our necklace, remember? Otherwise, these are tails instead of feet.

Raphael: Oh right, but it seems you miss doing that thing.

Michael: What is it? You had sex before?

Angeline: I am not a virgin anymore, it has been 7 years since I had my first.

Michael: It's okay. I am not a virgin too but I still love you, and you are the one I love right now, and this will never change. It was a mistake before.

Angeline: Same here. I couldn't believe myself why I made that mistake. I should have waited for you, my one and only.

Raphael: Can you guys stop it? Also, what does virgin means?

Michael: Virgin means you never had sex. Sorry, I forgot you're from the sea, you don't know what virgin means. Don't worry, if you meet someone you love, not Angeline, you will not be a virgin anymore.

Raphael: Oh, but I am not virgin anymore. I had sex before, but only once because Angeline does not want to.

Michael: What? With who?

Raphael: Her.

Michael: You had sex with him? When?

Angeline: Just after we moved house, Marius suddenly confessed and told him I don't like someone who likes to have sex with any ladies or women he meets, then Raphael asked what sex is and I taught him. I didn't really wanted to do it but when we were watching a video, he got you know what's next..

Michael: Ah, I thought you did it after we became together.

Angeline: You know I would never do that. Besides, I didn't even know you have feelings for me until I met you again and read your mind.

Michael: Okay, I believe you. Also, Gabriel is coming. Let's stop talking about it. He might you know, get depressed again.

As Gabriel comes and removed his outer clothes to put it on the shelves. He accidentally hit Angeline's stuff and the pearl necklace fell on the floor. Gabriel picked it up and suddenly, it started glowing and it gave birth to another pearl similar to what happened to Michael, when he touched it. Gabriel is surprised and shocked as the pearls are floating in the air and the new pearl came towards him and he took it while the other pearl flew towards Angeline and he followed the pearl. Then he saw it coming towards Angeline as Angeline, Raphael, and Michael saw the pearl coming towards Angeline and Gabriel running after it.

Angeline: What?! My pearl! Why?

Raphael: Did you touch her pearl?

Gabriel: Yes, sorry. It fell on the floor when I accidentally hit your stuff on your clothes, so I picked it up to put it back but this happened. What is going on? Why did the pearl became two. (he showed the new pearl in his hand)

Angeline: It's okay. I guess we have no choice but to tell him.

Raphael: Okay, but first choose 3 elements you want to use. Angeline, can you explain?

Angeline explained to Gabriel about the elements and powers of the pearls and Gabriel chose Sound, Air, and Water. Gabriel started feeling different and started being able to read everyone's minds. Angeline then took her pearl that is floating in front of her, and she turned into a mermaid. Angeline explained to Gabriel about everything that happened and that Michael also has the same pearl, but his elements are Fire, Air, and Light. Michael then called for his pearl by calling for it in his mind and his pearl came towards him and took it and he turned into a merman. Raphael took his necklace off and also turned into a merman.

Gabriel: Wow! You guys are mermaids, I mean merpeople, mermaid and mermen.

Raphael: Yup, and you are too. Although the three of you are originally human, that is why the effect of the pearl is different when you get in contact with water.

Gabriel then joined them as he dipped half of himself in the water and turned into a merman as well.

Gabriel: Wow, I got tails too. I can flap it like this. I wonder if we can swim at the pool like this?

Michael: Marius might find out.

Angeline: Also, look at your side at the floor.

Gabriel looks and saw his brief. He turned around and saw everyone's clothes are on the floor, except Angeline's top part.

Gabriel: Why are they on the floor?

Angeline: It happens when we change into merpeople. Since we cannot use them. Also, they were at the bottom of jacuzzi because well, our feet was the bottom of the jacuzzi and if we removed them, obviously they will be there but I used my powers to bring them out to the floor.

Gabriel: Wow! Then when we change back to human?

Raphael: We are naked.

Gabriel: Oh! That is... then if Angeline turned back to human, she will be...

Michael: Stop it Gabriel. I know what you are thinking.

Gabriel: You're just thinking the same thing!

Raphael: Stop arguing!

Angeline: You three are all thinking the same thing!! You guys know I got all elements right?

Michael: Oh right, sorry.

Gabriel: Sorry.

Raphael: Sorry, couldn't help it.

Angeline: Let's just have fun and enjoy. Since we are not always like this and Gabriel is a new pearl owner. You guys also know you will lose the powers if it is used for evil or started becoming evil. So, you guys need to stop listening to your bad emotions and control it. Don't let it take over you.

All three mermen agreed and they started flapping their tails, splashing water.

Raphael: Where is Marius?

Michael: He is taking photos outside.

Raphael: Oh I see. Good to know.
