
Chapter 8 - Jealousy part 1

At the party, Michael's mom called all members of their family and decided to have a game of dance, and trivia, each one will have a partner opposite of their shape or weight as they will do a dance game using a paper or newspaper to be folded every round and they must stop dancing and step on it every time the music stops, if a part of their foot is outside the paper line or edge, then they are out of the game. This means, they must make sure that as the paper gets smaller being folded each time, they should be able to stand on the paper together. A ballet dancer might win but this is a game in pairs. For Michael, Angeline is chosen. Gabriel started becoming jealous. Also, Anthony, a friend of Angeline is also chosen by Michael's sister, as her husband is not allowed as her partner for this game because of the game rules. Everyone was asking for his mom to join as well as their grandma, the birthday celebrant. Michael's mom got a partner and his grandma as well, and so the game begins. Michael and Angeline thought of a strategy of not dancing ballet, so the rest wont get the idea of using ballet to win, and when the music stops, they will move like a ballet dancer discreetly towards the paper and tiptoe holding each other to help balance each other without falling because if they fell, they are also out of the game. This idea worked and they won. Another game was commenced, this game needs general knowledge and there will be 2 groups. The first group is Michael's group and the second group is his sister's group. Their grandma will decide the questions and be the judge, and their mother will host and will ask the questions. Each group will have 5 members each. Michael chose Angeline, his sister chose her husband, Michael chose someone who works in a hospital, his sister chose Gabriel, Michael chose another musician (the head of music group), his sister chose a cook/chef, Michael chose the last member who is a teacher, and his sister chose a manager of a company as her last group member for the game.

Michael's mom: Let's start. First question, what is the birthday celebrant's favourite subject?

Michael buzz and answered: Maths!

The game went on and until the tie breaker. Michael whispered to Angeline.

Michael: *Can you use your mind reading? We could have won already and don't need a tie breaker if you answered the questions with your powers.*

Angeline: *You know, I don't like cheating and besides, everyone will think I am such a genius blah blah blah because without it, when we had the same game last time, my group still won the tie breaker because of me. I answered the last question right and the other group did not get it correct. I don't want to use these powers to cheat or do you want me to cheat on you?*

Michael: *What? No! Who would want their girlfriend to cheat?*

Angeline: *Exactly! You don't want that, so let's not cheat.*

Michael: *Okay, but I was just suggesting and testing you out. I don't like cheating as well. I knew I chose the right woman. I love you.*

Angeline: *I love you too. Let's get on.*

Michael's mom: Okay, mom, have you decided on the tie breaker question?

Michael's grandma: Yes. The last question is which country has no capital?

Angeline: I know that one! This was the same tie breaker question 15 years ago at school. It is Vatican City because the country itself is the city, so it has no capital at all.

Michael's grandma: Wow! You still remember that question and the answer.

Angeline: Well, actually, I was the one who answered the tie breaker question correctly 15 years ago, which I did it again today.

Michael's mom: Wow! You're a genius!

Angeline: Thanks but I'm not really a genius, I didn't really know until they asked that question 15 years ago, the country just came out of my mind when they asked that question because I remember that almost every country has a capital but never saw Vatican city on the list of countries with capital and I was wondering if it was really a country or a city but I found out it was both after I got the question right.

Michael's mom: Well, congratulations. It seems that God spoke to you the answer that time. He wanted you to win because you deserve it.

Angeline: Thank you so much.

Michael: Mom, grandma, and sister, can I also surprise you about something?

Michael's mom, grandma, and sister: What is it?

Michael: I would also like you to meet my girlfriend, the woman you are proud of right now, that stands in front of you.

Everyone was surprised and Gabriel was so shocked and heart broken that he ran off outside and went home and locked himself in his room. Raphael was trying to ask him where is Angeline and what happened but Gabriel is not responding to him. Raphael is worried about Angeline, and decided to go to the party. However, at the party, everyone knows and supported Michael and Angeline, and his grandma is so happy about it and asked if they are going to get married soon because she really wanted her grandson to get married soon, and Michael told her he will need to ask her first. Raphael came and Angeline felt his presence because of their powers, and Angeline went out to stop Raphael. However, Michael is at the toilet room, and Gabriel's friends were talking in front of the mirror at the men's room about how Gabriel suddenly ran off after knowing that after moving to live together with the woman he loves, she got a boyfriend, they then talked about why Gabriel could not confess to Angeline. Maybe they could have been together. Angeline is trying to talk to Raphael to stop him from going inside because Angeline knows that if Raphael found out about what happened, he might not be able to control his anger and use his powers because of jealousy.

Angeline: What are you doing here?

Raphael: I am worried about you. Gabriel got home without you but he seems strange and did not even talk. I was trying to talk to him and ask him, but he is not responding to me.

Angeline: Oh. Maybe he heard something he does not like. Don't worry, I will try to talk to him later. Can you try patrolling the area please? Someone almost got into an accident a while ago but they need me at the party.

Raphael: Okay then, as long as you are fine. Just let me know if something bad happens. You can use the pearl to contact me.

Angeline: Okay, I will. Also, you should have used the pearl instead of coming too.

Raphael: I was really worried, so I came instead.

Angeline: Okay, go patrol now. I'll go back to the party. I'll see you later.
