
It Begins

Carl leads a group of men surrounding John into a large city inside of the Beast Realm. He grumbles the whole time saying "Let's take a bad idea and make it worse! Great... just great. I'm so over this shit.." John awkwardly coughs as he asks "Do you have any great ideas on how to outrun that crazy bastard and still make it back to our world?"

Carl and John share a look before Carl sighs and says "Let's just get this over with." John gives him a knowing smile as they walk to the center of the city. The townspeople stumble back to make way for the odd group of men carrying a large box of some kind." 

"Who are these people?"

"What are they doing?"

"What's in the box?"  

Carl and John ignore the townspeople as the men place the large box onto the ground and step back. They create a protective barrier around Carl, John, and the box as the town people continue to watch with confusion. 

"Do you see their eyes?"
