
Chapter 208: Sort of Articles

"I don't want his apology," Sophie says. "He insulted me and broke my precious necklace. Oh, I feel like I might vomit blood."

Bryan says, "It's not my fault your necklace was so low quality it—"

Avery pinches Bryan's arm, forcing him to shut up. Now she understands why all of his agents quit.

"Ms. Johnson, the show is going to begin soon," Avery says. "If you like, I can help you fix the necklace, and then we can discuss this all after it's over."

"You look familiar, but I can't figure out why," Sophie says. "Are you sure we haven't met somewhere?"

Though Avery struggles to remember many things, it seems possible that she's met Sophie Johnson as some fashion show or charity auction. Before she can say anything, the lights flicker backstage, and someone shouts a five-minute warning. The small area descends into absolute chaos as everyone rushes to get into place.
