
Gratitude, Hate & Wishes

When it came to the situation of his 2 aunts, William couldn't help but shake his head helplessly.

Alec had 3 official wives, and all 3 wanted nothing more than to kill each other.

Alec's First Wife, Queen Sera... had aided her daughter, Cary... into killing third queen Argenia's daughter, Jennette.

Of course, payback was a b**tch!

So Argenia had already made Cary more stable before killing both Cary and the first queen Sera.

Now there were just 2 queens in the mix.

Of course, second queen Eliza, who was Connor's mother... was still looking for her missing son.

So she had asked some of the assassins to follow the moves of both Sera and Argenia, just in case they had a hand in Connor's disappearance.

But who would've thought that she would get to hear of such a juicy play?

With Sera was dead, that meant that only Argenia and she remained.

So she had planned to take out Argenia before Alec arrived.
