
The Adventure Begins

Three days passed since the conversation as Yun send Guan Xing back to his father while Guan Feng stayed behind as she was going to join them in this adventure. She wanted to learn more about Yang and this was quite the opportunity for her by seeing him in action.

Yun also sent Shadow to Mulan and Sun Quan with a letter informing them of Cao Cao possibly attacking the Xu Province in Spring which left an opening for Sun Quan to strike back at Shouchun opening a way to Xuchang which doesn't involve the Xu Province.

"What do we do?" asks Mulan nervous that her father might die for real this time as he will face Cao Cao's whole army.

"We will attack once Cao Cao begins his attack on the Xu Province. It will make Cao Cao split his army which would give your father an opening that he is waiting for a long time now," says Sun Quan knowing that Yun wanted to end Cao Cao for a long time but Yun alone wouldn't be able to do that and a planned attack would fail because of the spies in their camps.

"Still he is pulling on loose ends if he wants to involve Liu Bei as well in this matter. He and his youngest brother were involved in my brother's death," says Mulan in a furious tone remembering it.

"It seems he can overlook it for the greater good as Cao Cao is growing stronger again and we will need to ally again with Liu Bei to deal with him. After Cao Cao is gone we will deal with Liu Bei," says Sun Quan as he leaves Mulan's side to inform Zhou Yu and Lu Meng about it since Lu Su retired appointing Lu Meng his successor.

Yun, on the other hand, was done preparing for this trip when Sima Yi blocks his path and says, "I will be joining you. Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong will have everything under control as long as Tang Shi and your brother are around to keep the army under control."

"Those two aren't the only people that can lead my army. Do you know why Tang Shi is my right hand and not my brother?" asks Yun out of Sima Yi who nods.

"He is one of the original ten that followed you to take Zhang Jiao's head back when you started your career," says Sima Yi as Yun only nods while putting a bag on the ground.

"That's right, from the remaining ten only six are still in my army. The remaining four have died on the battlefields over the years. They are in high positions in my army because I trust them with my life as they trusted me with theirs back then. They are the pillars that aren't seen but hold this army together followed by my generals and strategists," says Yun telling Sima Yi a hidden truth behind real structure of his army.

"The remaining six members hold more power in this army than you or the other that joined later on think as they can talk to me as if they are my brothers since we survived the impossible back then," says Yun explaining Sima Yi something important when he looks at him.

"You as the strategist to replace Pang Tong in the near future need to know that once I am gone you will need to have a iron grip over them to be able to control them as you will be helping Fang lead this army in the future," says Yun telling Sima Yi that his position was unchanged just that he would now help the son of his Lord instead of his Lord himself who die back then because of his short-sightedness.

"So I am still considered to replace Pang Tong in the future?" asks Sima Yi just in case as Yun nods.

"Yes, but you still have a lot to learn from Pang Tong until it is your time as the head strategist," says Yun seriously as he grabbed the bag again.

"If you are going to follow me to the north I will need to take Zhuge Liang with me as well. I will need a mind that matches your own. It will be helpful to have two opinions on some matters which will be discussed in the future," says Yun as he now had to leave Xu Shu behind.

Yun wanted to take Xu Shu with him since he could defend himself better than all the other strategists but now he would need to leave him with Pang Tong as the group was getting to big.

He needed to be able to travel through enemy territory to get to another territory that is inhabitated by another enemy. The burden was increasing and Yun needed to make sure that nothing will happen to Fang or Guan Feng.

"This will also put a dent into my plan so be ready to suffer to achieve your dream," says Yun as he leaves to inform the others about the change.

Three days later, Yun was saying goodbye to everyone when he saw that Lin was missing and Huixiu told him that she wasn't feeling well.

They left as a group of ten, Yun was holding the reigns of two horses that were pulling a medium carriage which could carry them to there destination with a secret compartment which was holding their weapons and armor since they didn't want more attention on them than needed.

Yun was hearing someone crying but looked inside seeing nobody doing so not even Fang who was showing maturity when Yun says, "Dian Wei, take over the reigns."

"Yes," says Dian Wei taking over for Yun as they were already half a day away from Xiapi.

Yun sat down and spread his Qi scanning the carriage finding a stowaway in the carriage and Yun opened the secret compartment finding someone unexpected in it.

The girl hugged Yun immediately as she was happy being out of the dark compartment as Yun pets her head while saying, "Lin, what are you doing here?"

"I didn't want you to leave me behind," says Lin with fear in her voice but still sounding cute to Yun who only smiles at her.

"I wasn't going to abandone all of you. I was going to get some help to deal with someone annoying while visiting a special place," says Yun seriously but not angry with Lin since she was already in a turmoil.

She was crying as she hugged Yun thinking that she made a mistake when Yun only sighs before looking at Rin who came over when she says, "Father is right, we wouldn't abandon our family. You should have just waited for us to return and play with Ai and Min. Now your Mom must be searching the whole mansion for you. She will be punishing you for doing something this stupid when we are back. But for now we will protect you since we can't lose you again."

"Well we can't change it now. Do we return to Xiapi?" asks Cao Tai not wanting to put Lin in danger.

"No, we have don't have time to return to Xiapi. We need to get to the north before Spring comes or we won't be able to hold ourselves against Cao Cao. I know he is your uncle but right now he is your enemy don't forget that," says Yun to Cao Tai knowing that it must be hard for him to since Cao Cao is one of Cao Tai's heroes.

"She will come with us. Rin, you will watch over her. Lin, you will be trained with Fang since you are joining us in this mission of saving our family," says Yun sounding serious but at the same time Lin could feel that those words were spoken calmly giving her a comfortable feeling.

"What will I be learning?" asks Lin excited as the group only laugh seeing the excitement in her eyes.

"You will learn how to fight," says Fang annoyed but he was happy to not be the only child around now that his sister was here.

"Feng, you will help Rin with Lin," says Yun now looking at Guan Feng who nods while sitting comfortably beside Yang.

"Good, Dian Wei lead the carriage near Changlu. We will rest there for tonight," says Yun seriously as he needed to consider Lin's safety as well.

The group traveled for four weeks as Yun and Yang were training Fang and Lin when Guan Feng joined them as well as Cao Tai and Rin who wanted to improve further when they arrived at Zhending.

"Home, Sweet Home," says Yun to himself while Dian Wei and the others understood him.

Yun was in charge of the reigns as he hoped to find the Zhao Manor empty only to find out that the Manor had a new owner with the Zhao nameplate being removed from over the gate.

"One day we will call this manor ours again," says Yun to himself as his past seemed to pass before his eyes looking at the gate.

"Did we used to live here?" asks Lin curiously as Yun shakes his head.

"No, but it used to be our ancestors manor and we will claim it one day again," says Yun with a voice full of nostalgia in it.

He told the horse to continue as their next destination was to get to the inn with a red roof which was affiliated to him. Once there they booked three rooms, one for the women and Fang. The second and third room was for the men to share.

Yun was looking out of the window while sipping his wine while his son and Cao Tai were meditating in the room when Yun says, "Tomorrow, we will visit the family grave while the others will buy supplies. We will leave from here to Zhan. It should take us three days to a week to get there from here."

"Will I be joining as well?" asks Cao Tai nervous as Yun nods.

"You will be my son-in-law. You have a right to see where my Ancestors lies so you can bring your children before them one day even if they carry the Cao surname," says Yun filling his cup again before emptying again.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts