
Talking to Zhen Yi

The next day arrived and Yun was sitting across from Zhen Yi alone since Zhen Yi said that women shouldn't meddle in the affair of men. Yun was hiding his anger well but he understood that Zhen Yi's mentality toward women was different than his who lived in the 21st Century.

The opposite gender was seen in those times as objects that need to look nice and produce heirs for the family as well as to make connections with higher people with a lot of luck.

Yun on the other hand saw them as equals that's why he treats Mulan as if she was a son. He is also overprotective of her because she is his daughter, unlike Fang.

"So you came to discuss the Zhen Clan leaving Lunu for my daughter's and your sake? Why should I do so when we are living quite well here in Lunu," says Zhen Yi as he doesn't remember that he told Yun about his problem yesterday while being drunk.

'Stubborn bastard doesn't even remember complaining about it the whole time that everything was going downhill for him,' thinks Yun furiously when he hears in the back of his head someone laughing quite hard.

'I can't this mortal is quite fun. He seems to try to get something out of it,' says Ysmrgra as he was wiping a tear from his eye from how funny he found this conversation.

'He can be thankful that he isn't dead yet or that the Yuan Family hasn't sent soldiers to take them as prisoners to pressure Zhen Luo,' says Yun to Ysmrgra before sighing and looking at Zhen Yi turning serious.

"You told me quite a different story yesterday in your drunken stupor saying that you were only still in your manor because of the people of Lunu. What do you think will happen when it will be official that your daughter marries the person that crippled Yuan Shao. The whole city will turn against the Zhen Family and chase you out in the best-case scenario. If it comes to the worst-case scenario," says Yun before shaking his head as if his head was hurting just from imagining what could happen.

"Just leave with us quietly and you might be able to live without much trouble as you begin your business down in the south instead of dying here while being hanged from the wall while your family members become slaves because of your stupid pride of keeping face. I saw your daughters and any good-for-nothing would try something once you fall from grace.

I know that you think that they aren't worth as much as your sons but they will be worthless if they become slaves or prostitutes because of you wanting to stay," says Yun trying to appeal to Zhen Yi before he goes all out and uses violence to drag them out of the city by force.

"It seems to me that we won't be able to come to a decision," says Zhen Yi stubbornly as he didn't want to leave Lunu and his wealth behind.

"Then you will leave me no choice but to drag you out of here myself," says Yun seriously as his blue eyes turned cold and Zhen Yi suddenly faced the man that all of Yun's enemies faced before him.

Yun was radiating killing intent out of every pore which made Zhen Yi who never stood on a battlefield struggle for breath. Zhen Yi now knew that the man he was talk to before was a monster with human skin. He holds his own throat because he couldn't breathe with the pressure that was put on him by Yun.

"I will ask again," says Yun in an intimidating tone as he glared at Zhen Yi before asking but sounding as if he was giving Zhen Yi an order, "Will you leave Lunu and follow your daughter to the south? You and your family will be staying in Guangling which has rich land that can be plowed to harvest supplies for our army."

Zhen Yi couldn't answer because of the pressure when Yun hears, 'You are going to kill him if you continue to put this much pressure on him.'

'I don't need an answer. I just need him to nod with his head,' says Yun back to Ysmrgra as they looked at Zhen Yi nodding rapidly while his skin tone changed to blue right in front of Yun who released the pressure from him.

The killing intent retreated and Zhen Yi was looking at an ordinary man again and not at the monster he was facing a moment ago when he hears Yun say in a cold tone reminding him that he wasn't hallucinating what happened before.

"Zhen Luo, Rin, and I will leave in two weeks. We will travel to Boling where we will wait for you. You will leave a week after we left Lunu to Boling with your family and everything your cart and horses can carry. Once we are all together we will travel to Xiapi before your family continues to travel to Guangling. I will inform my friend to prepare a small manor for your family," says Yun sounding like he was giving orders that Zhen Yi should follow if he knew what was best for him.

"Do you understand?" asks Yun questioning if he needed to repeat himself to Zhen Yi while his right hand turned into a fist which was covered in Lightning Qi threatening Zhen Yi to not pull something stupid or he would cease to live because he would return and drag them out of the city himself.

"O-of co-course," says Zhen Yi scared as he was happy that he relieved his bladder before meeting Yun or he would have shown an even more shameful display.

"Good, I will retreat then," says Yun sounding happy as he stands up since he wanted to see Rin and take her out to see the city and maybe buy her some sweets while he looked for patients to keep his cover as wondering doctor.

He left the room quite fast surprising Zhen Yi who was still touching his throat feeling sore because of the pressure Yun released. Zhen Yi also stood up but slowly before walking out of the room to find his wife and daughters to tell them about what happened.

He arrived at the courtyard and he finds Yun with a girl on his shoulder leaving the manor with her while a pouch was strapped to his belt. The girl seemed happy as she pointed at the gate in excitement which took Zhen Yi back to when his daughters were still young.

He wasn't always this cold towards his daughters but when his first and second sons died he became colder because he was afraid that his last son could end up dead as well without strong allies which made him sell his oldest to the Sima Clan while his youngest was sold to the Yuan Clan to strengthen his last son's position as well as his.

But seeing the monster that almost killed him without a care in the world on his face because of a girl that isn't even his made him rethink his previous decision for a bit before shaking his head and turning back to the stubborn man.

Yun was walking down the street while carrying Rin on his shoulder while she treated him like a horse when they arrived at a stand and Yun asked the merchant where he could buy some sweets for his daughter.

The merchant pointed him toward another merchant making Yun drop some coins on the stand before leaving. Yun went in the direction the merchant sent him and found fast the sweet vendor.

"So which one do you want?" asks Yun curious which sweet Rin was going to pick as she pointed at baked sweet beans.

Yun bought five of them and handed one to Rin who began to eat it. She never had sweets before and was quite fast at eating them thinking that someone was going to steal them from her.

Yun only laughed since he could hear how fast Rin was eating her sweets when Yun told her to eat slowly and enjoy it since they wouldn't be eating sweets every day.

Yun paid the vendor and they left before he began to eat one as well while walking toward a clothing store to get some clothes for Rin when he felt someone spying on them.

He looked at the sky at first thinking that it was the stupid crow again but there was no crow around. Yun continued walking entering a dark alley and covering himself as well as Rin in Darkness Qi to blend in with the dark alley disappearing in it.

Soon a man in armor entered the alley and Yun now knew that someone must have found out who he is or so he thought when he hears, "The doctor must be an Immortal for him to disappear just like that. I won't be able to get his help if I tail. I should talk to him directly."

Rin was confused and wanted to say something but Yun stopped her by placing another roll of sweet beans into her mouth. Rin looked at Yun confused when the man leaves the alley leaving Yun and Rin alone behind.

Rin took the sweet out of her mouth looking quite cute which Yun missed because she was on his shoulders and he hears, "Why didn't you help him, Pa?"

Rin sounded innocent while saying that making Yun feel that he made the right choice in adopting her when he says, "He was tailing us, Rin. If he came to us in the open and asked I would have helped him since I wouldn't have had to worry about running into a trap which could have put you in danger."

"Now let us get you some new clothes," says Yun in a warm tone as they leave the alley and continued on their path to get Rin some nice clothes.

They almost arrived at the tailor when he saw some small silver earrings like the ones Mulan uses just that instead of crimson gems on them they were blue.

Yun bought them and Rin looked at Yun worried because she needed to get pierced through her earlobe making her nervous before it all ended rapidly thanks to the experience of the old lady doing it.

Rin didn't even feel the needle thanks to Yun holding her hand when Yun saw another pair of earrings which were made of gold embedded with green gems in the shape of rings which Yun bought as well as a gift for Zhen Luo.

Then they continued to get some fine blue clothes for Rin which suited the child before returning to the Zhen Manor without any trouble on their way.

Hope you like it.

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