
Ice Ice Baby!

Discord Link ~ https://discord.gg/smAesXp


After Sora cut the branch, Sora jumped off the tree and watched it fall to the ground. As Sora fell to the ground, the copper sword disappeared from his hands, losing all of it's durability the instant it cut through the branch.

Alice and the rest were startled by the sound of a loud thud. They turned their little heads over to a branch that had been cleanly cut with shock on their faces.

"This is a good branch," said Sora aloud before picking it up and dragging it away. "Thanks for bringing me here Alice!"

Sora left with the branch, leaving everyone stunned by what had just occurred.

"Did he just…"


"But, how…?"

Appearing back at the smithy, Sora placed the branch at an inconspicuous corner before heading over to the knife mold that had cooled down.

Breaking the mold, Sora took out the knife blade and placed it back in the heat to heat up the blade a bit more.

Once the knife had turned red, Sora pulled it out and headed over to his anvil before hammering down the knife with his Perfect Flowing Hammer Technique.


After 81 hits on the knife, the knife blade emitted a cool and soothing white light.

With the Knife blade complete, Sora made the hilt and placed it on the knife blade.

'I got my sculpting blade now,' thought Sora with a smirk. Although not a sculpting blade, Sora found no mold for creating one sculpting blade. So instead of making the mold, he decided to just make a knife instead.

Without letting the blacksmith see, Sora snuck out with his knife and the branch he had cut off from the Giant Tree before exiting the village.

Sora placed down the branch in a standing position before bringing it the knife he had just crafted.

Class: 21

Durability: 1,100 / 1,100

With a proud smile, Sora began thinking about the sculpting techniques he knew of to shape the branch into that of a practice wooden said.

Closing his eyes, Sora focused his being once again into the knife to get that mysterious feeling once more.


Once again, Sora felt his Will move into the knife and strengthen it. The glow on the sword became thick and condensed on the knife, a beautiful red light.

Without opening his eyes, Sora started moving his hands and body.

Mind, body, and weapon as one.

The glow of the knife covered Sora and seemed to make him even stronger. Like an aura of absolute power formed by the will to sculpt the branch into a wooden sword.

Legendary Moonlight Sculpting!

With a highly focused kind and his knife drawn up high, Sora sliced down. He repeated the movements many times, piercing, slicing, and even hacking.

Slowly, the wooden branch began taking shape into that of a wooden sword.

It climbed down and unlike usual wooden swords, the wooden sword Sora was carving started to shine like if it were metal.


With one lady cut, the queden Sword revealed a beautiful white light, prompting Sora to open his eyes.

With joy, Sora threw away the knife in his hands that disappeared as its durability was brought down with many slashes upon the strong and durable branch.

Walking over to the finished wooden sword, Sora checked its information.

Class: 30

Durability: 15,000 / 15,000

Sora felt that the wooden sword was a bit heavy, which made him wonder why since the branch itself was fairly light. He didn't think much about it since the knife was a bit heavy as well, but he just chopped it off as it was the metal's fault.

However, now that wooden sword is heavier, Sora wondered what the reason was.

Sora could still carry it, but he wouldn't be able to swing it much. Only about 200-250 swings a day.

Still, he thought about asking Alice what the reason could possibly be. After bringing back the wooden sword covered in a cloth and strapped down with a string, Sora put it away in the same inconspicuous corner to continue swinging the hammer for the day.

Once Sora swung the hammer close to 1,000 times, Alice appeared in front of him with a wide smile on her little face.

'How'd she find me?' thought Sora as he looked at Alice.

"How did you do it?" She asked with a bright face.

"Do what?" Sora asked back with a little smile of his own.

"You know, the branch being cut clean off the tree. You took the tree's durability down by almost a whole 50!"

Alice was so excited that started inching closer to Sora's face without realizing it. Once she noticed, she quickly pulled back her back and smiled.

"It was simple, I just swung the sword in my hands and cut it down," Sora said mischievously.

Pouting at Sora's explanation, Alice crossed her arms in front of her chest. She looked at Sora for a couple of seconds before 'humph'ing and turning away.

"I'll teach you, but you have to answer one of my questions as well," said Sora with a light smile on his face.

"Okay!" said Alice.

Quickly running out of the smithy, Sora shook his head with a small smile.

Putting away the hammer and picking up the wooden practice sword, Sora followed behind Alice.

"Let's go to the Giant Tree!"

As soon as Alice caught sight of Sora, she quickly proclaimed their destination as she tugged on Sora's hand.

"Yeah," said Sora with no enthusiasm.

"How did you cut it?" Alice couldn't wait to get to the Giant Tree, so she asked Sora now before they got to the tree.

"I just cut it with a sword," said Sora nonchalantly. "Soon Eugeo will be able to do the same. I taught him some moves to properly train in to increase his efficiency. The more he trains in them, the better he will become."

"Wow…" said Alice.

"Should I teach you some self-defense moves?" asked Sora as he glanced at Alice from the corner of his eyes.

Although Sora says self defense, he will be teaching her the Basic Sword Techniques and a strong set of fist and grappling techniques that go well together. If needed, he might think about teaching her some movement techniques.

Maybe even a footwork technique to increase her attack speed and efficacy.

Alice thought about it for a moment, her head tilted upwards as she looked up to the huge blue sky. By the time she answered, Sora and Alice had already arrived at the vicinity of the Giant Tree.


"Great," said Sora. He turned to look at Kirito and Eugeo who were waiting in the distance before whispering to Alice, "I'll teach you later so that I can properly demonstrate how to cut the tree."

"Okay," Alice nodded with a cute little smile on her face.

Once Sora and Alice arrived in front of Eugeo and Kirito, Sora walked forward and took the Dragon Bone Axe from Eugeo.

"I'll demonstrate one for you three," said Sora as he took a slicing stance.

With the axe at his waist and one leg forward, Sora swung the axe with a strong power followed by the sword skill light.

It covered the axe's blade and let it cut deeply into the tree, however, after learning his mistake from the previous day, Sora quickly pulled pack the axe before the light vanished.


The axe cut the tree one more foot in, amazing the three people watching him.

"Okay, that was it," said Sora as he gave the axe back to Eugeo. "Now you try it."

"Ah! Okay!"

Eugeo picked up the axe and nervously walked over to the tree with the axe. Performing the same movements as Sora, Eugeo had struck the tree as well.

"You're too stiff! Your shoulders are too high, your legs aren't Sora enough and you're not gripping the axe tight enough," said Sora as he criticized Eugeo's form.

"I want you to keep practicing. When I visit you another day, I hope to see you doing better," said Sora before leaving with Alice. "And you too Kirito."

Sora and Alice walked down the hill and when they made it to the bottom, Sora finally brought out the wooden sword he had been carrying.

"Now help me with this little problem of mine," said Sora as he unwrapped the wooden sword.

"Wow! Such a beautiful sword! Did you make this out of the branch you cut?" Alice looked at the wooden sword with awe. She moved her little hand and ran ran her fingers along the edge of the blade with an excited face.

Sora nodded, "I did. It cost me one whole knife."

'A very powerful and sharp one at that.'

"But how? You just got the branch a while ago," muttered Alice in shock.

"I know a special technique that helped me with this problem," said Sora.

"That's amazing," she sighed.

Alice looked at Sora with a smile on her face for quite a while, making Sora smile wry.

"So can you help me figure out why this wooden sword feels so heavy when the material I used for it was so light?"

Sora sprang the question real quick, not willing to let his time go to waste.

"Ah?" Alice looked at Sora curiously before checking the information on the wooden sword before gasping in shock. Her eyes turned big and her gaze moved over to Sora as if he was something akin to a god.

"The <Priority > Class is most likely above your Object Control Authority," said Alice as she pushed back Sora's wooden sword to him.

Sora nodded and then thought about what she said before attempting to check his own information.

Durability: 1,328 / 1,328

Object Control Authority: 19

System Control Authority: 1

Once he saw his information, he realized why his knife was somewhat heavy and why the wooden sword felt really heavy.

Covering the wooden sword in the cloth and wrapping it with the string once again, Sora set it aside and looked at Alice with a smile.

"Ready to learn some self defense?"

"Yeah," Alice nodded with a wide smile, ready to learn anything Sora throws at her.

"Good, we will begin with a fist technique, Nine Ice Fist." Sora bent his knees and calmed his mind before punching forward.


A white fog of frost came out an inch of Sora's fist, shocking Alice.

"If you train this fist technique to a high level, your fist will turn into ice that's harder than diamonds. It will also freeze whatever the fist hits, and it perfectly counteracts every fire."

Sora focused on his fist, combining his spirit, Mind, and body before extending his fist that now turned into ice. His very flesh, bones, and even blood, had turned to ice.

"You also gain some resistance to the cold, so you won't ever have to worry about freezing," said Sora with a smirk. "However, don't practice this technique more than 100 times a day or your heart will slowly freeze and you will die."

Alice was at fist shocked and joyful by what Sora had demonstrated to her and had even told her. However, right after his warning, she turned reproachful.

After some thought, she continued on wanting to learn the fist technique which is so amazing and cool.

Sora taught her the technique and decided to keep on lecturing her on the Nine Ice Fist before teaching her any other technique for the rest of the day.


"Welcome back!"

Seijiro welcomed Sora and Kirito once again as they came out of the SoulDive machine.

Sora jumped off the machine and put on his shoes before waving goodbye to Seijiro and the rest.

After picking up Yui, Sora headed home.

"Anything interesting today Yui?" asked Sora as he made some food.

"I made friends today!" Yui happily watched Sora making food, her face filled with joy as she watched her father cook.

"That's good to hear. Are they being nice to you?" Sora turned and looked Yui in the eyes, waiting to see if he saw a lie.


Yui smiled cheerfully and said could only sigh in relief before turning back to cook.

After eating, Sora entered his Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal.
