
Vol. 15 - Chapter 1: The Horseman of War vs. The Tenth Hour


The fight begins with Darius swinging the Sharur with force; the Horseman stops the attack with his sword creating a giant crater. The Horseman swings his sword with force pushing Darius back.

The Horseman charges straight at Darius and begins swing his sword attacking him. Darius defends himself with the Sharur. The impact of the attacks causes the earth to shake, the air pressure to change and cracks on the earth.

"You´re quite skilled Horseman, however, I´m more powerful!" Darius punches the Horseman pushing him back, Darius charges manna in the Sharur and wings it like a baseball bat hitting the horseman and sends him flying to a golden pyramid.


The force of the impact destroys the pyramid. The Horseman comes out of the pyramid walking slowly and without any harm. Darius smiles and says; "You´re quite persistent, that was a powerful attack I created and you have no scratches on. Maybe I…"

In a blink of an eye, the Horseman appears in front of Darius, he charges manna in his sword and swings it upward chanting; "Bellum Crescendo." (War Crescendo)


The powerful impact of the slash creates a crimson pillar that destroys part of the ceiling and heads to the clouds. Darius flies away with his arm cutoff and part of his wing.

"What was that attack? It was so fast that I couldn't react on time." Darius thinks nervously, the pillar ends and reveals the Horseman walking forward. Darius stands in the top of a pyramid as he screams:


Darius makes his arm and part of his wing appear in an instant. "The boy did change he´s more powerful than before and truly wants to kill me, I must finish this quickly, I must grab the stone."

Darius begins to fly straight to the Great Temple; he extends his arm trying to grab the stone. However, the Horseman with great speed appears in front of Darius. Darius in shock tries to fly back, but the Horseman is faster and punches him in the stomach sending him flying to another pyramid.


The Horseman charges manna in his blade, he kicks the space behind him cracking it and charges straight at Darius. Darius opens his eyes and sees the Horseman charging at him, Darius lifts the Sharur in other to block the attack.


They clash with their weapon destroying another pyramid. The Horseman drags Darius as he blocks the attack a few meters away until they stop. Both of them stand, clashing their weapon with force. The Horseman begins to overwhelm Darius with pure strength.

"This can´t be, his beating me in strength, but I am an Abaddon."

"RRRAAAWWWW" The Horseman roars as he pushes back Darius crashing to a house. Darius lies down with his eyes close as he think; "I am losing this fight, why, did I use to much power in Sharur? That must be it…"

The Horseman makes a horizontal slice chanting; "Bellum Flat" (War Flat)


The Horseman slashes the air causing a powerful pressure to blow. Darius covers himself with his wings however, he is sent flying towards pillar on the back. Darius breathes heavily as blood falls from his head. He touches his face and sees blood. Darius begins to release manna out of anger as he screams:


Darius charges directly at the Horseman, the Horseman lifts his sword and charges as well. They clash with a fierce strike crating a shock wave that blows many statues and houses away. Darius and the Horseman begin to clash non-stop destroying everything surrounding them.

Meanwhile, Allan and his group only observe the fierce battle occurring from distance. Allan sighs with his eyes close; "This is too much for us, this is no longer a battle between men, this is a battle between monsters."

"Uriel is not a monster, please don't insult him." Katsumi says with an angry face. "You´re right Katsumi, I´m sorry besides Uriel saved my wife." Allan says as he looks at Heidi. Allan stands up and says:

"Very well, it´s time for us to retreat for now, we will only get in Uriel´s way."

"Wait, but what about Uriel, he still…"

"Katsumi stop, I understand your feeling for him but you must understand, he is not a member of Yggdrasil. Besides you´re in no condition to fight anymore, neither do we.; That´s why the best thing is to retreat." Heidi says to Katsumi, Katsumi lowers her head and Shion touches her shoulder and says:

"Come on, Senpai, we need to go…"

The three of them begin to walk away; Katsumi begins to think of Uriel and the time he saved her. She remembers Uriel´s words:

Katsumi, you are precious to me, that´s why I don't mind risking my life for you; that´s just who I am."

Katsumi begins to run towards the direction where Uriel is, "I wont abandon you Uriel, because I love you.."

"KKAAATTSSUUMIII WWAAIIITT" Allan and the others scream as Katsumi runs with determination.


Meanwhile, in the battle held on the other side. Darius falls to the ground with force, the Horseman lands in the ground as well, walking slowly towards Darius, Darius looks at the Horseman and begins to tremble as he thinks:

"Am I … really afraid of him…Am I feeling fear…."

"Darius Lucifugus, you´re arrogance have blind that you didn't see the difference in our powers. I am going to punish you…and then, kill you…"

Darius spreads his wings and flies to the air thinking; "This guy is powerful, I must keep my distance or else I might end up dying for real."

Darius creates four portal; 7 feet golems come out of the portal, they are grey color, they huge muscles, their faces are similar to a lion with glowing yellow eyes. They have fangs and claws, the golem roars:


"Distrugător (Destructor.) attack him without mercy." The golems begin to charge at the Horseman, the Horseman swings his sword one time.


He cuts the golems in half and destroys them completely. Darius is left in shock, -TCH- "DON´T GET COCKY BOY, LET ME SHOW YOU MY SECRET WEAPON!"

Darius creates a giant portal, suddenly; a giant golem appears on the eyes of everyone. The Golem has also the face of a lion; it has a muscular body with purple cracks, brown colored skin and two large horns coming out of its back.

"This is the exact replica of the first golem created by humanity; distrugător uman primar" (Primal Human Destroyer)

The Horseman jumps into the air aiming in the golem´s head, the golem notices and dodges the attack, the golem with great agility punches the Horseman and sends him flying to the pyramid.


"RRRRAAAWWW" The giant golem begins to run at high speed preparing to attack. Katsumi is close by, she is tire and out of breath when she sees the Golem charging at the Horseman.

"I must help Uriel." Katsumi says with

a tied voice. However her feet are frozen not letting her move. "What happened, why can´t I move?" Katsumi asks, suddenly, Alexandria appears from behind her and says:

"I can´t let you pass on your condition, you will only be a burden to him."

"LET ME GO, I MUST HELP HIM, PLEASE, I BEG YOU." Katsumi says with tears in her yes, Alexandria slaps Katsumi and says:

"Just stop, you are only a burden to him, think, what he would feel if you would die as well."

Katsumi stops struggling and thinks about Alexandria´s words, Alexandria with a worried expression begins to say; "I feel the same way as you, but all we can do is watch."

The golem reaches the Horseman, the golem begins to punch the Horseman forcing him to the ground. –PUM,PUM ,PUM- The golem punches the Horseman multiple times breaking the ground and its surroundings.

"HAHAHA, DO LIKE THAT, STUPID BOY!" Darius screams as he floats above the pyramid. The golem throws one more punch, but this time the Horseman grabs it, the Horseman stopped the punch and begins to stand up.


The Horseman slashes the Golem´s right arm off. Everyone is in shock to see that happened. The Horseman jumps into the air and punches the golem with great force causing it to fall to the ground.


"How can this be? He overpowered my strongest golem? Damn You!" Darius opens multiple massive portals, and multiple specters come out of the portals. The specters are spirits wearing purple cloaks, no feet, claws and skull faces and cover the sky in the Golden City.

The golem begins to stand; over one thousand specters begin to charge at Uriel. " I HAVE AN ARMY BOY, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DEFEND AGAINST THAT"

"No Darius, it is I who has an army." The Horseman extends his sword and chants; "Fiesta De Guerra" (War Part). The Horseman releases manna waves that strike the specters, all of the sudden, the specters turn around and they all have red eyes.

"What did you do?" Darius says with a surprise tone, the Horseman points at Darius and exclaims; "ATTACK!" The specters begin to attack Darius and the golem at once. Darius begins to destroy the specters screaming:


The specters attack non-stop, Darius and the Golem are distracted, the Horseman begins to draw a circle in the air with his crimson manna.

Allan and the others sense a massive amount of manna. "We need to get out of range now." Heidi screams the get out of the range of the fight and go towards Katsumi taking another route. The Horseman begins to draw a giant circle, on four different ends, the Horseman draws four different figures. "The Four Seasons are the key of power and life…"

The horseman draws a snowflake representing winter, next he draws a leaf representing autumn, he then draws a sun representing summer and finally he draws a flower representing spring. The Horseman begins to chant:

"The Four Seasons Ver, aestas, autumnus et hiems (Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring) dance together in harmony in order to return, forever to begin but never to end. The Four seasons play the melody of power…Bellum Symphony" (War Symphony)

All of the sudden, the specters first fall as leaves, and the golem lands on his knees. Next the specters and Darius freezes.

"WHAT´S HAPPENING…" Darius gets frozen completely. Suddenly, flower petals float in the air moving in the wind like music notes following a tempo. Darius manages to break free from the attack and charges at the Horseman.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Darius tries to punch the circle, the clashes with it creating a wind current. The Horseman chuckles and says; "DIE"


The Horseman slashes the circle, the circle shatters and cracks the space, the petals begin to shine, the crack on the air releases a pillar of manna, and the petals begin to explode one by one. The pillars of manna increases and begin to disintegrate the specters. The pillar extends and Darius gets caught in the blast. The Golem gets destroyed as well; the attack gain even more power and destroys the mountains in Sun City. The attack is so strong that it goes to the sky.

People from all over the American Continent can see the crimson ray of light illuminating the sky. The manna ray reaches space and destroys a satellite completely.


The sky illuminates the oceans in a crimson color. Darius is left floating in space as he looks at the sun losing consciousness. "I´M SORRY, MY BROTHER, I´M SORRY ERIC…"

One third of the Golden City of Cibola got erased by the attack of the Horseman of War changing forever the landscape. The Horseman is left standing as he watches the sky. Meanwhile a spirit of a wolf stands near the hills of Rio Grande City, the wolf howls as it runs towards the Golden City.

It´s been eight years, I´m coming, my son…
