
Chapter 79 - Mahora Budokai 18

"So what do you want to do with Nagi copy that you seal in the forbidden scroll?" Albiero asked.

"To talk a lot with him of course, there was so many thing that I want to ask him," Shirou answered.

"But to maintain that forbidden scroll a lot of magical energy is needed," Albiero said. "If you didn't recharges it regulary Nagi memories will be gone."

"The artificial dimension in the forbidden scroll is connected to various parallel dimensions thanks to the knowledge of the second magic that I have, so there is no need to regularly recharge magic energy of the scroll, because the scroll will automatically replenish the magical energy that needed to make the dimension in it still exist and stable, " Replied Shirou.

"Even after studying second magic from Zelretch for so long, I can only understand it a little and I can only apply it to my teleportation technique a little bit," said Albiero. "But you can apply it to the forbidden scroll? I was quite surprised to hear that."

"Why are you so shocked by such a simple thing," said Shirou. "Eva's magic villa also uses a similar theory, right?"

"By absorbing Eva's own magic energy and the magic energy in the air," said Albiero. "But not with what you did with that forbidden scroll. The extraordinary thing that you did with Eva forbidden scroll will make any mage feel inferior."

'If a third-rate magus like me can make something he thinks extraordinary, I can't imagine what is his reaction when he saw what Rin could do using a second magic,' said Shirou.


"Eh, Setsuna-san looks like we just heard something important, although I don't understand what are they talking about," said Asuna. "And why did that pervert call that awful man Alucard?"

Setsuna didn't know what to say, with what she heard with Asuna when the two of them were about to enter the participant waiting room. Because what she heard was very shocking. And what made her even more surprised, didn't Asuna already know that Alucard was one of the Participant? Why didn't Asuna remember it? Was there something that made Asuna forget about it?

"To participants Setsuna and participants Evangeline, the 11th match will start soon!" Kasumi said. "The two participants are expected to come to the arena."

Setsuna didn't have time to think about insignificant things, because she had to immediately go to a match.

"Setsuna-san your next match will start soon," said Asuna.

"I know Asuna-san, that's why we should get out of here immediately," said Setsuna. "It's not good to eavesdrop when someone has a private talk."


"Hey, Konoka why do we have to get out of that stands?" Haruna asked.

"That's a special stand for the participant Haruna, and it's not a good place to watch the match!" answered Konoka. "Moreover, the next match will be Setsu-chan's match! I want a better place to watch!"

"Konoka are just wants to watch the matches of her childhood friend in a much better place," said Yue. "Really selfish, unlike the usual Konoka."

"Yu-Yue, you can't insult Konoka like that," said Nodoka.


A couple minutes earlier in the arena,

"The 10 match between the participant Takahata and participant Takane finally over!" Kasumi said. "And the winner of the 10th match is the participant Takahata!"

"The result of the match was very clear and boring, that little girl named Takane simply lacked a basic hand to hand combat skills training. And instead she spent her time playing with dolls," said Evangeline. "What a stupid girl, doesn't she know that if wants to become a great mage. The most basic thing to do is train her physique and basic fighting skills!"

"Eeeeeeh!" Negi said who had returned to the special stands for participants. "I didn't know that!"

"Negi that was a very basic knowledge," said Kotaro. "Why you didn't know about that!"

"Uuuh I don't know that at all," said Negi. "The magic academy where I go to doesn't teach that."

"Actually hand to hand combat was a basic lesson in the magic school where you graduated Negi," said Rin. "I think you didn't pick that lesson because you're to focus in magical theory. I never went to a magic school, but I knew about it, and I also mastered the hand-to-hand combat techniques."

"If you weren't assigned to be a teacher at Mahora, I think you would never studied a martial arts," Evangeline said. "Be thankful that you was assigned to Mahora and met me and your brother so that you could learn combat tehnique!"

"To participants Setsuna and participants Evangeline, the 11th match will start soon!" Kasumi said. "The two participants are expected to come to the arena."

"Now is the time for me to fight huh," Evangeline said. "What a pain."

Evangeline then walked out of the special stands for participants and went to the arena.

Negi felt a little relieved that finally Evangeline had left. Because Negi knows that when Evangeline in lecturing mode, it will take a long time until she stop.


"Since the two participants have arrived at the arena, let's start the 11th match!" Kasumi said.

"Hehehehe you've really changed Setsuna," said Evangeline. "I want to play with you a little!"

"Eh, Evangeline-san what do you mean?" Asked Setsuna.

"You will find out for yourself later," replied Evangeline. "Now Setsuna, attack me!"

"Basically I really don't want to fight you Evangeline-san," Setsuna said. "Because I know my fighting skills and experience are far below yours."

"I feel really flattered by your compliment Setsuna," said Evangeline. "Then I'll attack you first!"

Evangeline moved her left finger slightly and suddenly Setsuna's right hand which was already in a position ready to attack moved up by itself.

And in an instant Setsuna's body fell to the floor of the arena.

"Aaah this is really mysterious! Participant Evangeline just moving her left hand but she can make participant Setsuna fall!" Kasumi said. "What is participant Evangeline actually do! Does she have a telekinesis?"

'Ukkkh is this gravity magic?' Said Setsuna.

'Not! This isn't magic! '

Setsuna's lower body was forced to kneel, then Setsuna's upper body was forced to fold backwards making her head touched the floor along with her knees.

Setsuna couldn't move at all she can felt her body was tied by something.

"Finally I remember! What kind of techniques that used by participants Evangeline to control participant Setsuna body!" Shouted Gotokuji at the commentator's table.

"Did you notice something Gotokuji-san?" asked Chachamaru.

'There's something that holding my body!' Said Setsuna. 'What exactly is ....'

Setsuna finally realized what was the thing that made her stiff. After she saw something that tied her hands.

"There is a thin thread that keeps me from moving!" Said Setsuna.

"Looks like you finally realized what happened to you Setsuna," said Evangeline. "How about my skill as a 'Doll Master' quite useful isn't it? If we weren't in the match I would have finished you already."


"Setsu-chan!" Shouted Konoka who was worried about Setsuna's situation.

"D-don't worry Konoka," said Nodoka. "Setsuna-san will be okay!"

"Setsuna's current state is very unpleasant to look at," said Haruna with panting breath and a flushed face when she saw Setsuna's bound condition. "I really want to do something to Setsuna!"

"Haruna! Stop you perverted thinking! Setsuna is our classmates!" Yue said while hitting Haruna's head using the harisen that appeared out of nowhere.


"Your life before you met Emiya Shirou was full of bitterness," said Evangeline. "You who were like a sword that ready to be removed from its sheath. But when you met Emiya Shirou who saved you 10 years ago, you started to change. You think of Emiya Shirou as a bright light that shines on your life, he turns you into a more cheerful person.

You can even become a close friends with Konoka Konoe the daughter of your boss. You get happiness that you can't get from your parents who have abandoned you. And now you are immersed in the happiness that you get. "

"I feel happy?" Said Setsuna.

'Evangeline is right that I really feel so happy after I met Shirou-sama and princess Konoka.'

"Shouldn't I be happy?" Asked Setsuna.

"Is not that you shouldn't," replied Evangeline. "It's just that from what I see, the way of life that you choose right now, even though making you happy it makes you really weak. Do you think you can protect Emiya Shirou and Eishun daughter If you are weak?"

Evangeline's words clearly irritated Setsuna, she couldn't accept everything Evangeline said.

"I can't protect Shirou-sama you said!" Setsuna broke free from Evangeline's string by strengthening her body using ki. "I can't accept that!"

Setsuna attacked Evangeline with her staff, but Evangeline used the iron fan that she took out from her shirt pocket to block Setsuna's attack.

"Very nice!" Evangeline said. "Get angry like that Setsuna! Use that anger to make you more stronger!"

And once again quickly, Evangeline tied Setsuna's body with the thread and knocked her onto the floor. And made Setsuna's face kiss the floor.

Setsuna stood up again and tried to attack Evangeline. But Evangeline moved faster than Setsuna then Evangeline slammed Setsuna's body using only one swing from her iron fan.

'She's too strong!' Said Setsuna. 'I've been attacking with all my might but Evangeline just playing me. She doesn't even use her strong move at all againts me!'

Evangeline used her threads to tie Setsuna's legs and making her body fall. Setsuna stand up once again quickly, but suddenly Evangeline was already in front of her and made Setsuna fall using only her palm.

"Evangeline hasn't used ki or magic, but I can't match her fighting skill at all!" Said Setsuna.

"Once again participant Evangeline made participant Setsuna's down!" Kasumi said. "Her body maybe small but participant Evangeline fighting skill is extraordinary! How participant Setsuna can beat her?"

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