

Inside the tent, Lirius laid Athena on the commander's bed. As he grabs her hand and checks her pulse. He sighed in relief as he sensed she was fine and only in deep sleep.

Commander Rosenburg noticed the man's calm expression and asked, "How is she?"

"She's just exhausted, a good night's rest will do her good. If I may be bold and ask, I would also like to use some of your herbs to make her potion for fast recovery." He said as he explained to him the details of the herbs he'd be using to make the potion for the girl. For they weren't ordinary herbs and elements.

"Of course, take as many herbs as you need to cure her…" He answered right away, without even letting the man finish explaining.

The commander then stepped out of the tent to inform the soldiers waiting outside of the good news, since none of them were allowed to step even a foot near the tent.

Lirius looked at the wolf who had just stepped inside and said, "Watch her, I still need to finish the task she asked me to do and make a potion for her."

Fuji moved closer to Athena; he observed his master's peaceful expression as she slept away. As he was about to take a rest as well, he was suddenly brought back to life when Lirius suddenly spoke once again before he left.

"Ah- if something happens to her, except that you shall not be seeing her again."

If Fuji could turn pale, he would have already. There was only one person he feared, and it was not his master, but the man who had just stepped out. Despite how much he hated his strong presence, he wouldn't dare kill him, for he was the best person to protect his master.

Lirius stepped outside the tent and was greeted by Ignis.

"Master, how is your friend?"

"She'll be fine, her aura is weak right now, and I need to make a potion for her as soon as possible." He explained as he headed in the direction where all the herbs were stored.

"Master, let me help you." He replied as he continued to follow Lirius to the tent of the alchemist.

The Alchemist greeted Lirius with great respect for all his amazing work. Without him, they weren't able to make any higher quality mana potions than the ones they already knew. It was thanks to him as well that they were able to heal quite a lot of the wounded soldiers with all the new potions that he had taught them.

"Master, what's that?" Ignis asked, seeing the weird-looking plant.

"It is an Echincerne." He answered as he showed the plant to him.

Seeing the enchanted plant he was carrying, not only was Ignis interested to learn, but also the other Alchemists as they gathered and watched what the man was doing.

"Master, isn't that plant useless?"

"Master, aren't they used to feed Wolpert."

Lirius felt a sudden headache emerging, after hearing all the questions. Of course, he understands they are just curious and would ask ridiculous questions, which he found annoying.

"It's true, we use the plant to feed Wolpert. But if mixed with the right herbs and correct enchantment, they will create a very high-quality mana potion which can easily restore one's mana greatly."

Lirius explained while he created the potion. Loads of common herbs and plants were used in making the potion, but what makes it special is that fact Lirius made it under the condition that a magic circle was created. In which it was enhanced, making it a high-class potion.

A Wolpert is an enchanted rabbit with cute little antlers; it also has small bird-like wings on its back. However, the wings are so tiny that it is impossible for them to fly. They normally can be found everywhere, which is why Echincerne is a common herb found everywhere as well.

After Lirius finished making the potion, everyone surrounded him and started bombarding him with questions again. The headache he almost felt earlier now felt extreme as he was annoyed by the situation, but he needed to stay calm as Athena was currently under their protection. However, the sort of questions they were asking still annoyed him, for they were stupid and ignorant questions.

'Aren't they supposed to be academic alchemists, why are they so stupid.'

Meanwhile, it was not only the people inside the tent that were amazed by his skills but watching from afar was Noct, who continued to be on guard with curiosity. He was again impressed by how talented the man is, and how much knowledge he has regarding magic circle enchantment. He became even more curious as to who he is and the identity of the girl.


Roderic approached the man, "What are you doing outside, why not go inside?"

"No need, I got what I needed to see," He replied as he started to walk away.

Roderic followed him and wondered, "So, who do you think they are?"

As they left, Lirius had already caught a glimpse of them watching him, as he had sensed their presence for a long time. He realized that they were no longer safe and that the sooner they felt, the better. Yet, it will still depend on the girl's recovery, which means he needs to make a better potion than the one he has currently made.

"They are both from the empire, but I don't know much, the girl seems familiar, but I'm not too sure…" He answered as he started to think hard as to why he found the girl quite familiar.

"I don't mind which Kingdom or Empire they came from, I am both indebted to them for saving not only me but everyone."

"Both of them are indeed our benefactors. So, what do you think they'll ask of us in return."

"Hmm, that I have not thought about yet…"

"It seems that when they'll ask for payment, we might not be able to repay them at once."

"But, I don't think they'll ask for one."

Noct was curious as he paused and observed the man's expression, "Hmm, what makes you say that."

"I don't know, I just- can feel it. Strangely, I feel as close to the girl as well."

"The girl? You mean you've taken interest in her."

"Ha-ha, do you have to put it that way? I mean, I am indeed to her, and if…"

"She might not be a noble."

"Is that even necessary when my life, my brother's, and my father's life was saved by her."

"Then, it seems your whole family will gladly accept her."

"But, I think that's far from impossible. As you can see, she must be with that man."

"Ah- I too I'm curious as to what extent is their relationship with each other?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. Ignis informed me that he has already given our family's token to him. So when they plan to visit the Empire or any of our territory, they'll be most welcome."

"Hmm, then I must do the same then."

"Isn't that risky?"

"Then, I must think of another way then."

"That would be most wise of you, then give them your token."

"Very well then," Noct started, thinking of a way he could show his gratitude towards them. Giving them his token is indeed not a wise decision. But, even so, he couldn't care as he seemed to have taken an interest in the girl. He may not be sure of his feelings, but he knows one thing for sure; that girl is someone whom the empire would gladly welcome any time. With great power only means it must belong to the empire.

You can check out the novel at https://ag-stories.com/ or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AngelGrace for more advanced chapters.

_AngelGrace_creators' thoughts